Code of Virginia
Chapter 11.1 - Disability Program for Hybrid Retirement Program Participants
§ 51.1-1182. Policies to provide for accounting to Board; advance premium deposit reserve

A. Each insurance product purchased by the Board or contract for administrative services related to a self-funded product shall provide for an accounting to the Board not later than 120 days after the end of each product year. For an insurance product, the accounting shall include (i) the amounts of premiums actually accrued under the policy during the policy year, (ii) the total amount of all claim charges incurred during the policy year, and (iii) the amount of fees accrued under the policy during the year plus the total amount of all claim charges incurred during the policy year. For a self-insured product, the accounting shall include the total amount of all claim charges incurred during the product year, the total amount of third-party administrator expenses, and the total amount of other charges for administrative services.
B. Any portion of the excess of the total of clause (i) of subsection A over clause (iii) of subsection A may, with the approval of the Board, be held by the insurance company in an advance premium deposit reserve to be used by the company for charges under the policy only. Any expenses incurred by the Board in connection with the administration of the disability benefits provisions of the program may be deducted from the advance premium deposit reserve. The advance premium deposit reserve shall bear interest at a rate to be determined in advance of each policy year by the insurance company. The rate shall be subject to Board approval as being consistent with the rates generally used by the company for similar funds held under other disability insurance policies. Any portion of the excess not held by the insurance company shall be held by the Board to be used for charges under the policy only. If the Board determines that the advance premium deposit reserve, together with any portion of the excess accumulated and held by the Board, has attained an amount estimated to make satisfactory provision for adverse fluctuations in future charges under the policy, any further excess shall inure to the benefit of the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions as determined by the Board.
C. For purposes of this section, the insurance company may combine and consolidate the policies issued by it as directed by the Board.
2012, cc. 701, 823.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 51.1 - Pensions, Benefits, and Retirement

Chapter 11.1 - Disability Program for Hybrid Retirement Program Participants

§ 51.1-1150. Definitions

§ 51.1-1151. Sickness and disability program; disability insurance policies

§ 51.1-1152. Additional powers of the Board

§ 51.1-1153. Participation in the program

§ 51.1-1154. Applicability of article

§ 51.1-1155. Short-term disability benefit

§ 51.1-1156. Successive periods of short-term disability

§ 51.1-1157. Long-term disability benefit

§ 51.1-1158. Successive periods of long-term disability

§ 51.1-1159. Adjustments to disability benefits

§ 51.1-1160. Rehabilitation incentive

§ 51.1-1161. Cessation of disability benefits; service retirement

§ 51.1-1162. Applicability of article

§ 51.1-1163. Supplemental short-term disability benefit

§ 51.1-1164. Successive periods of short-term disability

§ 51.1-1165. Supplemental long-term disability benefit

§ 51.1-1166. Successive periods of long-term disability

§ 51.1-1167. Adjustments in supplemental disability benefits

§ 51.1-1168. Rehabilitation incentive

§ 51.1-1169. Cessation of supplemental disability benefits; service retirement

§ 51.1-1170. Coordination of benefits

§ 51.1-1171. Supplemental benefits for catastrophic disability

§ 51.1-1172. Employer contributions during disability absences

§ 51.1-1173. Health insurance coverage during disability absences

§ 51.1-1174. Life and accident insurance coverage during disability absences

§ 51.1-1175. Optional insurance during disability absences

§ 51.1-1176. Exclusions and limitations

§ 51.1-1177. Appeals

§ 51.1-1178. Board authorized to provide long-term care insurance and benefits

§ 51.1-1179. Limitation on coverage

§ 51.1-1180. Keeping records and furnishing information required by Board

§ 51.1-1181. Benefits exempt from process

§ 51.1-1182. Policies to provide for accounting to Board; advance premium deposit reserve

§ 51.1-1183. Funding of program; Hybrid Retirement Program Disability Insurance Trust Fund established