Code of Virginia
Chapter 6 - Titling and Registration of Motor Vehicles
§ 46.2-698. (Contingent effective date - see Acts 2019, cc. 837 and 846) Fees for farm vehicles

A. The fees for registration of farm motor vehicles having gross weights of 7,500 pounds or more, when such vehicles are used exclusively for farm use as defined in this section, shall be one-half of the fee per 1,000 pounds of gross weight for private carriers as calculated under the provisions of § 46.2-697, as in effect on January 1, 2019 and notwithstanding the provisions of subsection C of § 46.2-697.2, and one-half of the fee for overload permits under § 46.2-1128, but the annual registration fee to be paid for each farm vehicle shall not be less than $15.
B. A farm motor vehicle is used exclusively for farm use:
1. When owned by a person who is engaged either as an owner, renter, or operator of a farm of a size reasonably requiring the use of such vehicle or vehicles and when such vehicle is:
a. Used in the transportation of agricultural products of the farm he is working to market, or to other points for sale or processing, or when used to transport materials, tools, equipment, or supplies which are to be used or consumed on the farm he is working, or when used for any other transportation incidental to the regular operation of such farm;
b. Used in transporting forest products, including forest materials originating on a farm or incident to the regular operation of a farm, to the farm he is working or transporting for any purpose forest products which originate on the farm he is working; or
c. Used in the transportation of farm produce, supplies, equipment, or materials to a farm not worked by him, pursuant to a mutual cooperative agreement.
2. When the nonfarm use of such motor vehicle is limited to the personal use of the owner and his immediate family in attending church or school, securing medical treatment or supplies, securing other household or family necessities, or traveling between the operator's residence and the farm.
C. As used in this section, the term "farm" means one or more areas of land used for the production, cultivation, growing, or harvesting of agricultural products, but does not include a tree farm that is not also a nursery or Christmas tree farm, unless it is part of what otherwise is a farm. As used in this section, the term "agricultural products" means any nursery plants; Christmas trees; horticultural, viticultural, and other cultivated plants and crops; aquaculture; dairy; livestock; poultry; bee; or other farm products.
D. The first application for registration of a vehicle under this section shall be made on forms provided by the Department and shall include:
1. The location and acreage of each farm on which the vehicle to be registered is to be used;
2. The type of agricultural commodities, poultry, dairy products or livestock produced on such farms and the approximate amounts produced annually;
3. A statement, signed by the vehicle's owner, that the vehicle to be registered will only be used for one or more of the purposes specified in subsection B; and
4. Other information required by the Department.
The above information is not required for the renewal of a vehicle's registration under this section.
E. The Department shall issue appropriately designated license plates for those motor vehicles registered under this section. The manner in which such license plates are designated shall be at the discretion of the Commissioner.
F. The owner of a farm vehicle shall inform the Commissioner within 30 days or at the time of his next registration renewal, whichever comes first, when such vehicle is no longer used exclusively for farm use as defined in this section, and shall pay the appropriate registration fee for the vehicle based on its type of operation. It shall constitute a Class 2 misdemeanor to: (i) operate or to permit the operation of any farm motor vehicle for which the fee for registration and license plates is herein prescribed on any highway in the Commonwealth without first having paid the prescribed registration fee; or (ii) operate or permit the operation of any motor vehicle, registered under this section, for purposes other than as provided under subsection B; or (iii) operate as a for-hire vehicle.
G. Nothing in this section shall affect the exemptions of agricultural and horticultural vehicles under §§ 46.2-664 through 46.2-670.
H. Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, vehicles licensed under this section may be used by volunteer emergency medical services personnel and volunteer firefighters in responding to emergency calls, in reporting for regular duty, and in attending emergency medical services agency or fire company meetings and drills.
1976, c. 323, § 46.1-154.3; 1978, c. 29; 1985, c. 424; 1989, cc. 402, 727; 1996, cc. 943, 994; 1997, cc. 774, 816; 2004, c. 663; 2015, cc. 502, 503; 2019, cc. 837, 846; 2020, c. 781.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 46.2 - Motor Vehicles

Chapter 6 - Titling and Registration of Motor Vehicles

§ 46.2-600. Owner to secure registration and certificate of title or certificate of ownership

§ 46.2-600.1. Indication of special communication needs

§ 46.2-601. Appointment of Commissioner agent for service of process

§ 46.2-602. Titling and registration of foreign market vehicles

§ 46.2-602.1. Titling and registration of replica vehicles

§ 46.2-602.2. Titling and registration of company vehicles of automotive manufacturers

§ 46.2-602.3. Titling and registration of converted electric vehicles

§ 46.2-602.4. Titling and registration of off-road motorcycle converted to on-road use

§ 46.2-603. Issuance of certificate of title and registration card

§ 46.2-603.1. Electronic titling and registration program

§ 46.2-604. Contents of registration card and certificate; vehicle color data; notation of certain disabled owners

§ 46.2-605. Altering or forging certificate of title, salvage/nonrepairable certificate, or registration card; penalty

§ 46.2-606. Notice of change of address

§ 46.2-607. Duplicates for lost or mutilated indicia of titling and registration

§ 46.2-608. When application for registration or certificate of title rejected

§ 46.2-609. When registration may be suspended or revoked

§ 46.2-610. Suspension of registration on theft or embezzlement of vehicle; notices

§ 46.2-611. Appeal

§ 46.2-612. Failure to surrender revoked certificate of title, registration card, license plates or decals; other offenses relating to registration, licensing, and certificates of title; penalties

§ 46.2-613. Infractions relating to registration, licensing, and certificates of title; penalties

§ 46.2-613.1. Civil penalty for violation of license, registration, and tax requirements and vehicle size limitations

§ 46.2-613.2. Service of process in civil penalty cases for violation of license, registration, and tax requirements and vehicle size limitations

§ 46.2-613.3. Special processing provisions for civil penalties levied for violation of license, registration, and tax requirements and vehicle size limitations

§ 46.2-613.4. Special seizure provisions for unpaid fees and penalties

§ 46.2-613.5. Procedures for issuing and serving process in civil penalty cases

§ 46.2-614. Right to recover damages not affected

§ 46.2-615. Registration effective after death of owner

§ 46.2-616. Acquiring vehicle from vendor who does not have certificate of title

§ 46.2-617. Sale of vehicle without certificate of title

§ 46.2-618. When unlawful to have in possession certificate of title issued to another; remedy of purchaser against persons in possession of title of vehicle purchased from dealer

§ 46.2-619. New indicia of title; procedure as to leased vehicles

§ 46.2-620. Period of validity of certificate of title

§ 46.2-621. Application for certificate of title

§ 46.2-621.1. Correcting errors in titling

§ 46.2-622. Issuance of certificate of title in names of joint owners

§ 46.2-623. Statements in application

§ 46.2-624. Information required on vehicles damaged by water

§ 46.2-625. Specially constructed, reconstructed, replica, converted electric, or foreign vehicles

§ 46.2-626. Repealed

§ 46.2-626.1. Motorcycle purchased by manufacturer for parts; documentation required for sale of parts

§ 46.2-627. Fee for certificate of title; use in special fund

§ 46.2-628. How certificate of title transferred

§ 46.2-629. Odometer reading to be reported on certificate of title, application, or power of attorney

§ 46.2-630. Transfer and application for certificate of title forwarded to Department

§ 46.2-631. When transferred certificate of title need not be forwarded

§ 46.2-632. Transfer when certificate of title lost

§ 46.2-633. Transfer of title by operation of law

§ 46.2-633.1. Sale in Virginia of vehicle repossessed in another state

§ 46.2-633.2. Transfer of title on death

§ 46.2-634. Transfer of title when no qualification on estate

§ 46.2-635. Surrender of certificates for vehicles to be demolished; securing new title certificates

§ 46.2-636. Certificate to show security interests

§ 46.2-636.1. Security interests in farm tractors and special construction and forestry equipment

§ 46.2-637. Security interests subsequently created

§ 46.2-638. Certificate as notice of security interest

§ 46.2-639. Security interest may be filed within thirty days after purchase

§ 46.2-640. Priority of security interests shown on certificates of title

§ 46.2-640.1. Vehicle leases that are not sales or security interests

§ 46.2-641. Who to hold certificate of title subject to security interest

§ 46.2-642. Release of security interest shown on certificate of title

§ 46.2-643. Surrender of certificate of title required when security interest paid

§ 46.2-644. Levy of execution

§ 46.2-644.01. Lien of keeper of vehicles

§ 46.2-644.02. Lien of mechanic for repairs

§ 46.2-644.03. Enforcement of liens acquired under §§ 46.2-644.01 and 46.2-644.02

§ 46.2-644.04. Relinquishment of liens acquired under §§ 46.2-644.01 and 46.2-644.02

§ 46.2-644.1. Titling of all-terrain vehicles and off-road motorcycles

§ 46.2-644.2. Department's records; fees; exemption

§ 46.2-644.3. Acquisition of all-terrain vehicle or off-road motorcycle by dealer

§ 46.2-645. Registration of vehicles

§ 46.2-646. Expiration and renewal of registration

§ 46.2-646.1. Deactivation and reactivation of registration; fees

§ 46.2-646.2. Registration extension for satisfaction of certain requirements

§ 46.2-647. Grace period for replacement of license plates or decals and renewal of registrations

§ 46.2-648. Registration of logging vehicles

§ 46.2-648.1. Optional registration of tow dolly and converter gear

§ 46.2-649. Certain vehicles required to show evidence of payment of taxes and of registration or exemption from registration with Department of Motor Vehicles

§ 46.2-649.1. Registration of tow trucks; fees

§ 46.2-649.1:1. Registration of vehicles owned and used by volunteer fire departments or volunteer, commercial, or private emergency medical services agencies

§ 46.2-649.2. Certain vehicles to comply with clean alternative fuel fleet standards prior to registration; penalty

§ 46.2-649.3. Registration of covered farm vehicles

§ 46.2-649.4. Covered farm vehicles; exemptions

§ 46.2-650. Temporary permits or duplicate applications

§ 46.2-651. Trip permits; regulations; fees

§ 46.2-652. Temporary registration or permit for oversize vehicles; fees

§ 46.2-652.1. Temporary registration or permit for overweight vehicles; fees

§ 46.2-653. Temporary registration or permit for transportation of manufactured homes exceeding the size permitted by law

§ 46.2-653.1. Conversion of manufactured home to real property

§ 46.2-654. Issuance of temporary registration certificates by motor vehicle auctions

§ 46.2-654.1. Temporary registration issued for purchasers of motor vehicles from motor vehicle dealers who are no longer engaged in business and title is held by person other than dealer

§ 46.2-654.2. Temporary registration of fleet vehicles; penalty

§ 46.2-655. Reciprocity required

§ 46.2-656. Nonresident may operate temporarily without registration

§ 46.2-657. When registration by nonresident not required

§ 46.2-658. Regular operation other than for pleasure

§ 46.2-659. Repealed

§ 46.2-660. Operating vehicles in business in Commonwealth

§ 46.2-661. Extension of reciprocal privileges

§ 46.2-662. Temporary exemption for new resident operating vehicle registered in another state or country

§ 46.2-663. Backhoes

§ 46.2-664. Vehicles used for spraying fruit trees and other plants

§ 46.2-665. (Effective until July 1, 2023) Vehicles used for agricultural or horticultural purposes

§ 46.2-665. (Effective July 1, 2023) Vehicles used for agricultural or horticultural purposes

§ 46.2-666. (Effective until July 1, 2023) Vehicles used for seasonal transportation of farm produce and livestock

§ 46.2-666. (Effective July 1, 2023) Vehicles used for seasonal transportation of farm produce and livestock

§ 46.2-667. Farm machinery and tractors

§ 46.2-668. Vehicles validly registered in other states and used in conjunction with harvesting operations

§ 46.2-669. Tractors and similar vehicles owned by sawmill operators

§ 46.2-670. (Effective until July 1, 2023) Vehicles owned by farmers and used to transport certain wood products

§ 46.2-670. (Effective July 1, 2023) Vehicles owned by farmers and used to transport certain wood products

§ 46.2-670.1. Vehicles owned by maritime cargo terminal operators

§ 46.2-671. Vehicles used at mines

§ 46.2-672. (Effective until July 1, 2023) Certain vehicles transporting fertilizer, cotton, or peanuts

§ 46.2-672. (Effective July 1, 2023) Certain vehicles transporting fertilizer, cotton, or peanuts

§ 46.2-673. (Effective until July 1, 2023) Return trips of exempted farm vehicles

§ 46.2-673. (Effective July 1, 2023) Return trips of exempted farm vehicles

§ 46.2-674. Vehicles used by commercial fishermen

§ 46.2-675. Certain vehicles engaged in mining or quarrying operations; permit when such vehicle required to cross public highways

§ 46.2-676. Registration certificate, license plates, or decals for any golf carts and utility vehicles; fees

§ 46.2-677. Self-propelled wheelchairs

§ 46.2-678. Forklift trucks

§ 46.2-679. Snowmobiles

§ 46.2-679.1. All-terrain vehicles

§ 46.2-679.2. Off-road motorcycles

§ 46.2-680. Vehicles transporting oyster shells

§ 46.2-681. Repealed

§ 46.2-682. Tractors, rollers, and other machinery used for highway purposes

§ 46.2-683. Traction engines; vehicles operating on rails

§ 46.2-684. Nocturnal use of highways by exempted vehicles

§ 46.2-684.1. Insurance coverage and proof of insurance for exempted motor vehicles

§ 46.2-684.2. Permanent farm use placards

§ 46.2-685. Payment of fees into special fund

§ 46.2-686. Portion of certain fees to be paid into special fund

§ 46.2-687. Failure to pay certain fees; penalty

§ 46.2-688. Refund of fees paid

§ 46.2-689. Refund of certain registration fees

§ 46.2-690. Refund for certain for-hire vehicles

§ 46.2-691. Credit to truck owner inducted into armed forces

§ 46.2-692. Fee for replacement of indicia of titling and registration

§ 46.2-692.1. Sample license plates; fee; use

§ 46.2-692.2. Fee for exchange of license plates

§ 46.2-693. Use of old plates and registration number on another vehicle

§ 46.2-694. (Contingent expiration date) Fees for vehicles designed and used for transportation of passengers; weights used for computing fees; burden of proof

§ 46.2-694. (Contingent effective date) Fees for vehicles designed and used for transportation of passengers; weights used for computing fees; burden of proof

§ 46.2-694.1. (Contingent expiration date -- see note*) Fees for trailers and semitrailers not designed and used for transportation of passengers

§ 46.2-694.1. (Contingent effective date -- see note*) Fees for trailers and semitrailers not designed and used for transportation of passengers

§ 46.2-695. Small rented ridesharing vehicles

§ 46.2-696. Repealed

§ 46.2-697. (Contingent expiration date) Fees for vehicles not designed or used for transportation of passengers

§ 46.2-697. (Contingent effective date - see Editor's note) Fees for vehicles not designed or used for transportation of passengers

§ 46.2-697.1. Repealed

§ 46.2-697.2. (Contingent expiration date - see Editor's note) Additional fees for vehicles not designed or used for transportation of passengers

§ 46.2-698. (Contingent expiration date - see Acts 2019, cc. 837 and 846) Fees for farm vehicles

§ 46.2-698. (Contingent effective date - see Acts 2019, cc. 837 and 846) Fees for farm vehicles

§ 46.2-699. Repealed

§ 46.2-700. Fees for vehicles for transporting well-drilling machinery and specialized mobile equipment

§ 46.2-701. Combinations of tractor trucks and semitrailers; five-year registration of certain trailer fleets

§ 46.2-702. Fees for service or wrecking vehicles

§ 46.2-702.1. Repealed

§ 46.2-702.1:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-702.2. Fees for registration of vehicles specially equipped to accommodate persons with disabilities

§ 46.2-703. Reciprocal agreement with other states; assessment and collection of fees on an apportionment or allocation basis; registration of vehicles and reporting of road tax; violations; vehicle seizures; penalties

§ 46.2-703.1. Additional fee for fleets of vehicles registered under § 46.2-703

§ 46.2-704. Prohibited operations; checking on weights; penalties

§ 46.2-705. Definitions

§ 46.2-706. Additional fee; proof of insurance required of applicants for registration of insured motor vehicles; verification of insurance; suspension of driver's license, registration certificates, and license plates for certain violations

§ 46.2-706.1. Insurance and surety companies to furnish certain insurance information

§ 46.2-707. Operating uninsured motor vehicle without payment of fee; verification of insurance; false evidence of insurance

§ 46.2-707.1. Noncompliance fee payment plan

§ 46.2-708. Suspension of driver's license and registration when uninsured motor vehicle is involved in reportable accident; hearing prior to suspension

§ 46.2-709. Requiring other proof of financial responsibility; suspended driver's license, registration certificate and license plates to be returned to Commissioner; Commissioner may take possession thereof

§ 46.2-710. Disposition of funds collected

§ 46.2-711. Furnishing number and design of plates; displaying on vehicles required

§ 46.2-712. Requirements of license plates and decals

§ 46.2-713. License plates and decals remain property of Department

§ 46.2-714. Permanent license plates

§ 46.2-715. Display of license plates

§ 46.2-716. How license plates fastened to vehicle; altering appearance of license plates

§ 46.2-717. Repealed

§ 46.2-718. Use of old license plates or decals after application for new

§ 46.2-719. Permit for emergency use of license plates

§ 46.2-720. Use of license plates from another vehicle in certain circumstances

§ 46.2-721. Application of liability insurance policy to vehicle carrying plates from insured vehicle

§ 46.2-722. Altered or forged license plates or decals; use as evidence of knowledge

§ 46.2-723. License plates for transporting mobile homes used as temporary offices at construction sites

§ 46.2-724. Operation for hire of certain vehicles registered as not-for-hire; penalty

§ 46.2-725. Special license plates, generally

§ 46.2-725.1. Repealed

§ 46.2-725.2. Special license plates for certain business entities with fleets of vehicles registered in the Commonwealth

§ 46.2-725.3. Special license plates for recipients of certain military decorations

§ 46.2-726. License plates with reserved numbers or letters; fees

§ 46.2-727. Bicentennial license plates and decals; fees

§ 46.2-728. Special license plates incorporating the Great Seal of Virginia; fees

§ 46.2-728.1. Special license plates incorporating the official bird and the floral emblem of the Commonwealth; fee

§ 46.2-728.2. Special license plates displaying a scenic design of Virginia; fees

§ 46.2-728.3. Special license plates displaying the official insect of the Commonwealth; fees

§ 46.2-729. Repealed

§ 46.2-729.1. Presidential inauguration license plates

§ 46.2-730. License plates for antique motor vehicles and antique trailers; fee

§ 46.2-730.1. License plates for military surplus motor vehicles; fee; penalty

§ 46.2-731. Disabled parking license plates; owners of vehicles specially equipped and used to transport persons with disabilities; fees

§ 46.2-732. Special license plates and decals for the deaf; fees

§ 46.2-733. License plates for persons delivering unladen vehicles; fees

§ 46.2-734. Reconstructed and specially constructed vehicles; inspection requirements; storage of unlicensed vehicles; use

§ 46.2-734.1. Repealed

§ 46.2-735. Special license plates for members of volunteer emergency medical services agencies and members of volunteer emergency medical services agency auxiliaries; fees

§ 46.2-736. Special license plates for professional or volunteer fire fighters and members of volunteer fire department auxiliaries; fees

§ 46.2-736.01. Repealed

§ 46.2-736.1. Special license plates for certain officials; fees

§ 46.2-736.2. Special license plates for certain elected or appointed officials

§ 46.2-737. Special license plates for certain constitutional officers; fees

§ 46.2-738. Special license plates for amateur radio operators

§ 46.2-738.1. Repealed

§ 46.2-739. Special license plates for certain disabled veterans; fees

§ 46.2-740. Special license plates for survivors of Battle of Chosin Reservoir

§ 46.2-741. Special license plates for survivors of attack on Pearl Harbor; fees

§ 46.2-742. Special license plates for persons awarded Purple Heart; fee

§ 46.2-742.1. Special license plates for persons awarded the Bronze Star, Bronze Star with a "V" for valor, or the Silver Star; fee

§ 46.2-742.1:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-742.2. Special license plates for persons awarded the Navy Cross, the Distinguished Service Cross, the Air Force Cross, the Distinguished Flying Cross, or the Distinguished Flying Cross with a "V" for Valor

§ 46.2-742.3. Repealed

§ 46.2-742.4. Special license plates for persons awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge

§ 46.2-742.5. Repealed

§ 46.2-742.6. Repealed

§ 46.2-743. Special license plates for active duty members of the armed forces of the United States and certain veterans; fees

§ 46.2-744. Special license plates for members of National Guard; fees

§ 46.2-744.1. Repealed

§ 46.2-745. Special license plates for persons awarded the Medal of Honor; fees

§ 46.2-745.1. Special license plates for persons awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal, the Airman's Medal, the Army Soldier's Medal, or the Coast Guard Medal

§ 46.2-745.2. Special license plates for persons awarded the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal

§ 46.2-745.3. Special license plates for persons awarded the Air Medal

§ 46.2-745.4. Special license plates for persons awarded the Distinguished Service Medal, the Navy Distinguished Service Medal, the Marine Corps Distinguished Service Medal, or the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal

§ 46.2-745.5. Special license plates for persons awarded the Defense Distinguished Service Medal or the Defense Superior Service Medal

§ 46.2-746. Special license plates for former prisoners of war; fees

§ 46.2-746.01. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.1. Special license plates for members of military assault forces

§ 46.2-746.2. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.2:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.2:2. Special license plates; members and former members of the 173rd Airborne Brigade

§ 46.2-746.2:2.1. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.2:2.2. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.2:3. Members and former members of the 3rd Infantry Regiment (Old Guard)

§ 46.2-746.2:3.1. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.2:4. Members of the Special Forces Association; fee

§ 46.2-746.2:5. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.2:6. Special license plates; members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States organization

§ 46.2-746.3. Special license plates for members or veterans of certain military reserve organizations

§ 46.2-746.4. Special license plates for members of certain military veterans' organizations

§ 46.2-746.4:01. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.4:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.4:2. Expired

§ 46.2-746.4:3. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.5. Special license plates for National Guard retirees; fees

§ 46.2-746.6. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.6:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.6:2. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.7. Special license plates for members of certain civic and fraternal organizations

§ 46.2-746.8. Special license plates for members of certain occupational associations

§ 46.2-746.8:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.8:2. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.9. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.10. Special license plates for supporters of the AFL-CIO

§ 46.2-746.11. Special license plates for supporters of certain aviation education facilities; fees

§ 46.2-746.12. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.13. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.14. Special license plates; aviation enthusiasts

§ 46.2-746.15. Repealed

§ 46.2-746.21. Expired

§ 46.2-746.22. Special license plates; members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans

§ 46.2-746.23. Repealed

§ 46.2-747. Repealed

§ 46.2-747.1. Repealed

§ 46.2-748. Repealed

§ 46.2-748.1. Repealed

§ 46.2-748.2. Repealed

§ 46.2-749. Issuance of license plates bearing seal, symbol, emblem, or logotype of certain institutions of higher education; fees

§ 46.2-749.1. Special wildlife conservation plates

§ 46.2-749.2. Special Chesapeake Bay preservation plates; fees; fund

§ 46.2-749.2:1. Special license plates for supporters of certain children's programs; fees

§ 46.2-749.2:2. Special license plates for Virginians for the Arts; fees

§ 46.2-749.2:3. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.2:7. Special license plates for supporters of dog and cat sterilization programs; fees

§ 46.2-749.2:8. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.2:10. Special license plates for supporters of community traffic safety programs in the Commonwealth; fees

§ 46.2-749.2:11. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.2:13. Expired

§ 46.2-749.2:14. Expired

§ 46.2-749.2:15. Expired

§ 46.2-749.2:16. Expired

§ 46.2-749.2:17. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.3. Special license plates for clean special fuel vehicles

§ 46.2-749.4. Special license plates bearing the seal, symbol, emblem, or logotype of counties, cities, and towns

§ 46.2-749.4:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.4:4. Commemorative license plates for counties, cities, and towns

§ 46.2-749.5. Special license plates celebrating Virginia's tobacco heritage

§ 46.2-749.5:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.6. Special license plates for supporters of the National Rifle Association

§ 46.2-749.6:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.7. Special license plates for supporters of Ducks Unlimited

§ 46.2-749.7:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.7:2. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.7:3. Special license plates supporting education, charity, and scientific study for Virginia's Eastern Shore business community; fees

§ 46.2-749.8. Special license plates for Harley-Davidson motor vehicle owners

§ 46.2-749.9. Special license plates; Virginia Bowler

§ 46.2-749.10. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.11. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.12. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.13. Special license plates; Internet commerce industry

§ 46.2-749.14. Special license plates; supporters of greyhound adoption programs

§ 46.2-749.15. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.16:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.17. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.18. Special license plates; horse enthusiasts

§ 46.2-749.19. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.23:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.24. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.26. Special license plates; Natural Bridge of Virginia

§ 46.2-749.27. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.28. Special license plates; Oceana Naval Air Station

§ 46.2-749.28:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.28:2. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.29. Special license plates; supporters of Operation Wildflower; fees

§ 46.2-749.30. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.30:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.31. Special license plates; Virginia lighthouses

§ 46.2-749.32. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.36:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.37. Expired

§ 46.2-749.38. Expired

§ 46.2-749.39. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.40. Special license plates; Class-J No. 611 steam locomotive

§ 46.2-749.41. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.43. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.43:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.45. Special license plates; supporters of the Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation

§ 46.2-749.46. Special license plates; naval aviators

§ 46.2-749.47. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.48. Special license plates for supporters of Family and Children's Trust Fund; fees

§ 46.2-749.49. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.49:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.50. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.54. Special license plates; BoatU.S

§ 46.2-749.55. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.56. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.56:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.57. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.58. Special license plates bearing the legend: FOX HUNTING

§ 46.2-749.59. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.60. Special license plates bearing the legend: UNLOCKING AUTISM

§ 46.2-749.61. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.62. Special license plates whose design incorporates the flag of the United States

§ 46.2-749.63. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.66. Special license plates; victims of attack on USS Cole

§ 46.2-749.67. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.68. Special license plates; Parrothead Club

§ 46.2-749.69. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.69:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.70. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.73. Special license plates; supporters of the Washington Redskins football team; fees

§ 46.2-749.73:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.74. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.78. Special license plates; United We Stand

§ 46.2-749.79. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.80. Special license plates bearing the legend: EDUCATION BEGINS AT HOME

§ 46.2-749.81. Special license plates; supporters of NASA facilities in Virginia

§ 46.2-749.82. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.84. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.86. Special license plates; members and supporters of the Urban League of Hampton Roads

§ 46.2-749.87. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.89. Special license plates bearing the legend FRIENDS OF TIBET; fees

§ 46.2-749.90. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.93. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.94. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.95. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.98. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.98:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.99. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.101. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.102. Special license plates; supporters of Virginia agriculture; fees

§ 46.2-749.103. Expired

§ 46.2-749.104. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.105. Special license plates to encourage participation in the organ donor program

§ 46.2-749.106. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.108. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.109. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.109:1. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.110. Special license plates; supporters of the Virginia Sheriffs' Institute; fees

§ 46.2-749.111. Special license plates for bicycle enthusiasts

§ 46.2-749.112. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.113. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.115. Special license plates; Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation; fees

§ 46.2-749.116. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.118. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.119. Special license plates; members and supporters of Resolution Virginia; fees

§ 46.2-749.120. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.122. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.126. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.129. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.130. Special license plates for supporters of the Surfrider Foundation; fees

§ 46.2-749.131. Repealed

§ 46.2-749.134. Repealed

§ 46.2-750. Vehicles of Commonwealth, its political subdivisions, and regional jail authorities

§ 46.2-750.1. Vehicles used for police work

§ 46.2-751. State-owned passenger vehicles

§ 46.2-752. Taxes and license fees imposed by counties, cities, and towns; limitations on amounts; disposition of revenues; requiring evidence of payment of personal property taxes and certain fines; prohibiting display of licenses after expiration;...

§ 46.2-752.1. Repealed

§ 46.2-753. Additional license fees in certain localities

§ 46.2-754. Local motor vehicle licenses in Arlington County

§ 46.2-755. Limitations on imposition of motor vehicle license taxes and fees

§ 46.2-755.1. Repealed

§ 46.2-756. Collection by Department of certain license fees

§ 46.2-757. Repealed

§ 46.2-769. Repealed