A. As used in this section, "regional convener" means the local workforce development board having responsibility for coordinating business, economic development, labor, regional planning commissions, education at all levels, and human services organizations to focus on community workforce issues and the development of solutions to current and prospective business needs for a skilled labor force at the regional level.
B. As a condition of receiving WIOA funds, each local workforce development board shall either be designated as the regional convener for the WIOA region or enter into a memorandum of agreement supporting the public or private entity identified as serving as the regional convener.
C. Each regional convener shall develop, in collaboration with other workforce development entities in the region, a local plan for employer engagement. The plan shall (i) specify the policies and protocols to be followed by all of the region's workforce development entities when engaging the region's employers, (ii) address how the region's workforce entities will involve employers in the formation of new workforce development initiatives, and (iii) identify what activities will be undertaken to address employers' specific workforce needs. Each region's plan should be reviewed by the Virginia Board of Workforce Development, and the board should recommend changes to the plans to ensure consistency across regions.
2015, cc. 275, 292.
Structure Code of Virginia
Title 2.2 - Administration of Government
§ 2.2-2401. Works of art accepted by Governor; approval by Board; meaning of "work of art."
§ 2.2-2415. Treasury Board membership; chairman; quorum; reimbursement for expenses
§ 2.2-2416. Powers and duties of Treasury Board
§ 2.2-2418. Use of bond anticipation notes by the Treasury Board
§ 2.2-2419. Issuance of refunding bonds by the Treasury Board
§ 2.2-2420. Combined issuance of general obligation debt by the Treasury Board
§ 2.2-2448. Virginia-Asian Advisory Board established; purpose
§ 2.2-2449. Membership; terms; vacancies; chairman
§ 2.2-2450. Powers and duties of the Board
§ 2.2-2451. Staff; cooperation from other state agencies
§ 2.2-2452. Board of Veterans Services; membership; terms; quorum; compensation; staff
§ 2.2-2453. Compensation; expenses
§ 2.2-2454. Powers and duties of Board
§ 2.2-2456. Duties of the Charitable Gaming Board
§ 2.2-2459. Latino Advisory Board; membership; terms; compensation and expenses
§ 2.2-2460. Powers and duties; acceptance of gifts and grants
§ 2.2-2461. Staff; cooperation from other state agencies
§ 2.2-2471.1. Secretary of Labor; staff support
§ 2.2-2472. Powers and duties of the Board; Virginia Workforce System created
§ 2.2-2472.3. Strategy for career pathways for opportunity youth
§ 2.2-2473. Regional workforce training centers
§ 2.2-2474. Authorization of facilities use and equipment rental; fees
§ 2.2-2476. Workforce Training Access Program and Fund
§ 2.2-2477. Virginia Career Readiness Certificate Program
§ 2.2-2478. Advisory Board on Service and Volunteerism; purpose
§ 2.2-2479. Membership; terms; quorum; meetings
§ 2.2-2480. Compensation; expenses
§ 2.2-2481. Powers and duties of the Board
§ 2.2-2485. Virginia Growth and Opportunity Board; membership; terms; compensation
§ 2.2-2486. Powers and duties of the Board
§ 2.2-2487. Virginia Growth and Opportunity Fund
§ 2.2-2488. Formation of regional councils
§ 2.2-2489. Award of grants to regional councils
§ 2.2-2491. The Virginia African American Advisory Board
§ 2.2-2492. Membership; terms; quorum; meetings
§ 2.2-2493. Compensation; expenses
§ 2.2-2494. Powers and duties of the Board
§ 2.2-2496. Office of New Americans Advisory Board
§ 2.2-2497. Membership; terms; compensation and expenses
§ 2.2-2498. Powers and duties; acceptance of gifts and grants
§ 2.2-2499. Staff; cooperation from other state agencies
§ 2.2-2499.1. Virginia LGBTQ+ Advisory Board; membership; terms; quorum; meetings
§ 2.2-2499.2. Compensation; expenses
§ 2.2-2499.3. Powers and duties of the Board; report
§ 2.2-2499.5. Cannabis Equity Reinvestment Board; purpose; membership; quorum; meetings
§ 2.2-2499.6. Compensation; expenses