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Section 24-8-1 - Short Title. - This chapter shall be known and may be cited as...
Section 24-8-2 - Policy of State. - Within constitutional limitations, it is the policy of this state...
Section 24-8-3 - Definitions. - The following words and phrases used in this chapter shall...
Section 24-8-4 - Unlawful Discriminatory Housing Practices. - It shall be unlawful: (1) To refuse to sell or...
Section 24-8-5 - Discrimination in Services, Organizations, or Facilities Relating to Business of Selling or Renting Dwellings. - It shall be unlawful to deny any person access to,...
Section 24-8-6 - Discrimination in Residential Real Estate Related Transactions. - (a) It shall be unlawful for any person or other...
Section 24-8-7 - Exemptions. - (a) Except for subdivision (3) of Section 24-8-4, Sections 24-8-4...
Section 24-8-8 - Interference With Person in Exercise of Right Granted Under Chapter. - It shall be unlawful to coerce, intimidate, threaten, or interfere...
Section 24-8-9 - Office to Administer Provisions and May Delegate Functions, Duties, Powers to Employees. - (a) The office shall administer the provisions of this chapter....
Section 24-8-10 - Powers of Office. - The office may do any of the following: (1) Promulgate...
Section 24-8-11 - Procedures for Investigation; Subpoenas. - (a) In conducting an investigation, the office shall have access...
Section 24-8-12 - Filing of Complaint; Investigation and Notice; Resolution by Informal Methods; Filing of Answer; Local Fair Housing Law; Conciliation Agreement; Completion of Investigation; Final Administrative Disposition; Burden of Proof; Termina... - (a) A person who claims to have been injured by...
Section 24-8-13 - Recommendation for Hearing by Investigator; Order for Hearing; Parties' Right to Take Civil Action; Amendment of Complaint; Subpoenas; Refusal to Allow Discovery; Hearing; Panel Opinion and Order; Review. - (a) If not sooner resolved, the investigator, upon completion of...
Section 24-8-14 - Civil Action; Sale, Encumbrance, Etc. Consummated Before Issuance of Order; Relief and Award. - (a) A civil action must be commenced within one year...
Section 24-8-15 - Similar Complaint Filed With Another Agency With Authority to Investigate Violation of Chapter. - Before accepting any complaint under this chapter, the office shall...