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Section 16-66-1 - Creation; Purpose. - This section was amended and renumbered by Act 2015-450, effective...
Section 16-66-2 - Composition. - This section was amended and renumbered by Act 2015-450, effective...
Section 16-66-3 - Duties of Secretary of Commerce. - This section was amended and renumbered by Act 2015-450, effective...
Section 16-66-4 - Meetings. - This section was amended and renumbered by Act 2015-450, effective...
Section 16-66-5 - Terms of Members; Vacancies. - This section was amended and renumbered by Act 2015-450, effective...
Section 16-66-6 - Annual Report. - This section was amended and renumbered by Act 2015-450, effective...
Section 16-66-7 - Reimbursement for Expenses. - This section was amended and renumbered by Act 2015-450, effective...
Section 16-66-8 - Duties of Council. - This section was amended and renumbered by Act 2015-450, effective...