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Section 13A-13-1 - Bigamy. - (a) A person commits bigamy when he intentionally contracts or...
Section 13A-13-2 - Adultery. - (a) A person commits adultery when he engages in sexual...
Section 13A-13-3 - Incest. - (a) A person commits incest if he marries or engages...
Section 13A-13-4 - Nonsupport. - (a) A man or woman commits the crime of nonsupport...
Section 13A-13-5 - Abandonment of Child. - (a) A man or woman commits the crime of abandonment...
Section 13A-13-6 - Endangering Welfare of Child. - (a) A man or woman commits the crime of endangering...
Section 13A-13-7 - Inducing or Attempting to Induce Abortion, Miscarriage or Premature Delivery of Woman. - Any person who willfully administers to any pregnant woman any...
Section 13A-13-8 - Failure to Report Missing Child. - (a) This section shall be known and may be cited...