Code of Alabama
Article 7 - County Commission.
Section 45-46-70.06 - Clerk.

The board of revenue shall elect a clerk, and fix his or her compensation, and employ such other clerical assistance as may be necessary, and it shall be the duty of the clerk of the board of revenue to attend the meetings thereof and issue all notices required by it. The clerk, under the direction of the board of revenue, shall keep the minutes and records of the proceedings thereof, in well bound volumes provided for that purpose, the records to be kept in the office of the board of revenue, and to be open at all reasonable hours to the inspection of the citizens of the county and other interested persons; and the clerk shall perform such other duties and matters as may be required of him or her by the board of revenue. The compensation of the clerk and of all other clerical assistants shall be fixed by the board of revenue and their terms of office shall be at the pleasure of the board of revenue. That before entering upon the discharge of his or her duties, the clerk shall take the same oath as the members of the board of revenue are required to take, and shall give a good and sufficient bond, with good and sufficient surety, payable to the County of Marengo, in such amount as may be fixed and prescribed by the board of revenue, which bond shall be filed with and approved by the Judge of Probate of Marengo County, with conditions faithfully to discharge the duties of such office during the time he or she continues therein or discharges any of the duties thereof, the premium on the bond to be paid out of the county treasury on certificate or warrant signed by the president or president pro tem of the board of revenue. The clerk shall keep a record of every warrant, claim, draft, or certificate issued by or under the authority of the board of revenue, showing the date, amount and to whom and for what issued, and shall countersign the same, and shall also keep a record of all notes, bonds, contracts, or agreements made, given, or issued by or in the name of Marengo County, showing the date, amount, object, and purpose thereof, and to whom given and for what purpose made or issued, and countersign the same; and the clerk, under the direction, supervision, and control of the board of revenue, shall also install and keep a general set of books showing the true and correct financial condition of Marengo County and the income thereof, the source from which derived, how or in what way the same is paid out and expended, and an itemized account of each fund handled, expended, or controlled by the board of revenue and in what way the same is paid out and disbursed; and at the September meeting each year of the board of revenue the clerk shall make up and file with it a detailed estimate and statement of the income from each fund for the coming fiscal year, and a detailed statement of the fixed expenses and charges against each of the funds.