All taxes, fees, interest, or penalties imposed and all amounts of tax herein required to be paid to the state under this article must be paid to the Department of Revenue at Montgomery, Alabama, with remittance payable to the Treasurer of Alabama. Such amount of money as shall be appropriated for each fiscal year by the Legislature to the Department of Revenue with which to pay the salaries, the cost of operation and the management of the department shall be deducted, as a first charge thereon, from the taxes collected under and pursuant to Section 40-23-61; provided, that the expenditure of the sum so appropriated shall be budgeted and allotted pursuant to Article 4 of Chapter 4 of Title 41, and limited to the amount appropriated to defray the expenses of operating the department for each fiscal year. After the distributions provided herein and the distributions of use tax on automobiles to the General Fund as provided in Section 40-23-61(c), the balance of the tax collected under and pursuant to Section 40-23-61 shall be distributed as follows: (1) remote use tax amounts, seventy-five percent (75%) to the General Fund and twenty-five percent (25%) to the Education Trust Fund, and (2) any remaining amounts, forty-seven percent (47%) to the Education Trust Fund and fifty-three percent (53%) to the General Fund. An amount sufficient to fund the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) shall be distributed annually as a first charge against the amounts allocated to the General Fund under this section. It is the legislative intent that all amounts collected on transactions involving a seller located outside the State of Alabama when the property is shipped or transported from outside the state shall be considered use tax for the purpose of this distribution, regardless of whether the taxes may be considered sales taxes for other purposes.
Structure Code of Alabama
Title 40 - Revenue and Taxation.
Chapter 23 - Sales and Use Taxes.
Section 40-23-60 - Definitions.
Section 40-23-61 - Property Taxed; Persons Liable.
Section 40-23-62 - Exemptions.
Section 40-23-65 - Credit for Sales or Use Tax Paid to Another State.
Section 40-23-66 - Retail Sellers to Register and Give Information.
Section 40-23-67 - Seller to Collect Tax; Seller Not to Assume or Absorb Tax.
Section 40-23-68 - Seller to File Returns.
Section 40-23-74 - Extension of Time for Making Return.
Section 40-23-75 - Deposit of Security.
Section 40-23-77 - Discount; Distribution and Expenditure.
Section 40-23-82 - Final Return of Retailer Selling Out; Purchaser to Retain Part of Purchase Money.
Section 40-23-83 - Records to Be Kept; Enforcement of Article; Promulgation of Regulations, Etc.
Section 40-23-85 - Disposition of Funds Derived From Tax.