Code of Alabama
Article 1 - Organization and Personnel.
Section 37-1-3 - Election or Appointment of Commissioners; Terms of Office; Filling of Vacancies.

(a) The terms of office of the commissioners shall be for four years; at the election to be held in the state on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1940, and every four years thereafter, a president of the commission shall be elected by the qualified electors of this state; and at the election to be held in the state on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1942, and every four years thereafter, two associates, who, with the president, shall constitute the commission, shall be elected by the qualified electors of the state. The result of such election shall be ascertained and declared by the same authority and in the same manner as are the results of election for Chief Justice and associate justices of the Supreme Court.
(b) The persons elected to fill the offices shall enter upon the discharge of their respective duties on the day after the general election at which they are elected and expire on the day after the general election held in the fourth year after their election.
(c) If any vacancy should occur in any one of the offices, caused by death, resignation or otherwise, the same shall be filled by appointment by the Governor, the appointee holding for the balance of the unexpired term. If any person elected to the office of public service commissioner shall fail or refuse for 30 days to qualify, such failure or refusal shall be held to create a vacancy in the office, which vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the Governor, the appointee to hold for the term for which the person so failing or refusing to qualify was elected.
(d) The provisions of this section shall not diminish the current term of any member elected to the Public Service Commission.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 37 - Public Utilities and Public Transportation.

Chapter 1 - Public Service Commission.

Article 1 - Organization and Personnel.

Section 37-1-1 - Commission Established.

Section 37-1-2 - Seal.

Section 37-1-3 - Election or Appointment of Commissioners; Terms of Office; Filling of Vacancies.

Section 37-1-4 - Oath.

Section 37-1-5 - Commissioners and Clerks Not to Render Professional Service to Utilities.

Section 37-1-6 - Certain Persons Ineligible to Be Commissioners.

Section 37-1-7 - Impeachment and Removal of Commissioners.

Section 37-1-8 - Office; Meetings; Record of Proceedings.

Section 37-1-9 - Residency of Commissioners; Full Time Devoted to Official Business.

Section 37-1-10 - Domicile of Commission; Jurisdiction of Actions or Proceedings Against Commission.

Section 37-1-11 - Salaries and Expense Allowances of Commissioners.

Section 37-1-12 - Employees - Appointment or Employment; Salaries; Special Counsel.

Section 37-1-12.1 - Employees - Accountant, Utility Rates Analyst, Economist, Etc.

Section 37-1-12.2 - Employees - Stenographic and Other Clerical Assistants; Special Investigators.

Section 37-1-13 - Employees - Penalty for Divulging Certain Information.

Section 37-1-14 - Bond of Supervisor of Accounts.

Section 37-1-15 - Free Tickets, Free Passes or Free Transportation.

Section 37-1-16 - Assignment of Assistant Attorney General to Represent Consumers and State in Proceedings Before Commission; Powers and Duties of Attorney General in Connection With Public Utility Services Generally; Commission to Furnish Copies of...

Section 37-1-17 - Economic and Financial Studies and Surveys of Public Utility Services; Compilation of Financial and Economic Data, Statistics and Analysis; Evaluations of Future Needs.

Section 37-1-18 - Consumer's Utility Rate Hearing Fund.