Code of Alabama
Chapter 2 - Architects.
Section 34-2-41 - Fund of the Board for the Registration of Architects; Compensation of Members; Expenses; Bond.

The executive director of the board shall receive and account for all moneys derived from the operation of this chapter. Such moneys shall be certified into the treasury in a fund to be known as the Fund of the Board for the Registration of Architects. Such fund shall be drawn against only for the purposes of this chapter.
The fiscal year shall commence on the first day of October and end on the thirtieth day of September.
Each member of the board shall receive a per diem as recommended by the board consistent with applicable state laws for attending sessions of the board or its committee, and for the time spent in necessary travel to attend meetings of the board or its committee. In addition, each member of the board shall be reimbursed for traveling and clerical expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of this chapter.
Expenses certified by the board as properly and necessarily incurred in the discharge of its duties, including, but limited to, authorized compensations, additional legal services, experts, clerks, office rent, and supplies, shall be paid out of the fund on the warrant of the Comptroller of the state. Such warrant shall be issued on requisitions signed by the chairman and executive director of the board. At no time in any fiscal year shall the total amount of warrants issued exceed the total amount of moneys accumulated in this fund.
The board may make donations from its surplus funds to any state educational institution which has an accredited school of architecture for assistance in promoting education and research programs in architecture.
The chairman and the executive director of the board shall give a surety bond in an amount no less than the previous year's budget payable to the State of Alabama and conditioned upon the faithful performance of their duties under this chapter. The premium of the bond shall be paid out of the moneys in the Fund of the Board for the Registration of Architects.