The commissioner may apply to the court for an order appointing him as ancillary receiver of, and directing him to liquidate, the business of a foreign insurer having assets, business, or claims in this state upon the appointment in the domiciliary state of such insurer of a receiver, liquidator, conservator, rehabilitator, or other officer by whatever name called for the purpose of liquidating the business of such insurer.
Structure Code of Alabama
Chapter 32 - Rehabilitation, Reorganization, Conservation, and Liquidation of Insurers.
Section 27-32-1 - Definitions.
Section 27-32-2 - Purpose of Chapter; Construction Thereof.
Section 27-32-3 - Delinquency Proceedings - Jurisdiction; Venue; Appeal.
Section 27-32-4 - Delinquency Proceedings - Commencement; Grant or Denial of Application.
Section 27-32-5 - Injunctions and Restraining Orders.
Section 27-32-6 - Grounds - Rehabilitation of Domestic Insurers.
Section 27-32-7 - Grounds - Liquidation of Domestic or Alien Insurers.
Section 27-32-8 - Grounds - Conservation of Assets - Foreign Insurers.
Section 27-32-9 - Grounds - Conservation of Assets - Alien Insurers.
Section 27-32-10 - Grounds - Ancillary Liquidation of Foreign Insurers.
Section 27-32-11 - Orders - Rehabilitation of Domestic Insurers.
Section 27-32-12 - Orders - Liquidation - Domestic Insurers.
Section 27-32-13 - Orders - Liquidation - Alien Insurers.
Section 27-32-14 - Conservation or Liquidation of Property.
Section 27-32-15 - Conduct of Delinquency Proceedings - Domestic and Alien Insurers.
Section 27-32-16 - Conduct of Delinquency Proceedings - Foreign Insurers.
Section 27-32-17 - Claims in Delinquency Proceedings - Nonresidents Against Domestic Insurers.
Section 27-32-18 - Claims in Delinquency Proceedings - Residents Against Foreign Insurers.
Section 27-32-19 - Claims in Delinquency Proceedings - Form; Time; Notice and Hearing; Order.
Section 27-32-20 - Claims in Delinquency Proceedings - Priorities.
Section 27-32-21 - Attachment, Garnishment, and Execution.
Section 27-32-22 - Uniform Insurers Liquidation Act.
Section 27-32-23 - Deposit of Moneys Collected.
Section 27-32-24 - Exemption of Commissioner From Fees.
Section 27-32-25 - Loans to Facilitate Rehabilitation, etc., of Insurer.
Section 27-32-26 - Fixation of Rights and Liabilities on Liquidation of Insurer.
Section 27-32-27 - Voidable Transfers and Liens.
Section 27-32-28 - Priority of Compensation Owing Employees of Insurer.
Section 27-32-29 - Setoff of Credits and Debts.
Section 27-32-30 - Claims Upon Liquidation of Insurer - Allowance.
Section 27-32-31 - Claims Upon Liquidation of Insurer - Time to File.
Section 27-32-32 - Assessments - Commissioner's Report.
Section 27-32-33 - Assessments - Levy.
Section 27-32-34 - Assessments - Order to Pay - Generally.
Section 27-32-35 - Assessments - Order to Pay - Publication and Service.
Section 27-32-36 - Assessments - Order to Pay - Judgment.
Section 27-32-37 - Priority of Claims of Policyholders and Beneficiaries - Established.
Section 27-32-38 - Priority of Claims of Policyholders and Beneficiaries - Payment of Claims.
Section 27-32-39 - Priority of Claims of Policyholders and Beneficiaries - Reinsuring of Policies.
Section 27-32-41 - Priority of Claims of Policyholders and Beneficiaries - Liability of Receiver.