Code of Alabama
Chapter 44C - Government of Class 2 Municipalities.
Section 11-44C-5 - Provisions Applicable to Mayor-Council Form of Government.

If a majority of the qualified electors voting in the election provided herein choose a mayor-council form of government, the following provisions of this chapter shall be applicable.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 11 - Counties and Municipal Corporations.

Title 2 - Provisions Applicable to Municipal Corporations Only.

Chapter 44C - Government of Class 2 Municipalities.

Section 11-44C-1 - Applicability of Chapter.

Section 11-44C-2 - Special Election as to Adoption of Commission or Mayor-Council Form of Government.

Section 11-44C-3 - Form of Ballot; Marking of Ballot; Use of Voting Machines.

Section 11-44C-4 - Conduct of Election; Portions of Chapter Applicable Upon Choosing Form of Government; Election Expenses.

Section 11-44C-5 - Provisions Applicable to Mayor-Council Form of Government.

Section 11-44C-6 - Election of Council and Mayor-at-Large; Time of Taking Office; Election Expenses.

Section 11-44C-7 - Qualification of Council Candidates; Votes Cast by Each Voter; Majority Vote Requirements; Run-Off Elections; Elections Held Quadrennially; When Elected Councilmen Take Office; Term of Office; Councilman May Succeed Himself.

Section 11-44C-8 - Mayor - Majority Vote Requirements; Run-Off Election.

Section 11-44C-9 - Mayor - Elections Held Quadrennially; Oath; May Succeed Himself.

Section 11-44C-10 - City Continued as Municipal Corporation.

Section 11-44C-11 - Government Known as "Mayor-Council Form of Government"; Powers of City Vested in Council; Manner in Which Powers Exercised.

Section 11-44C-12 - Powers of City Generally.

Section 11-44C-13 - Council to Consist of Seven District Council Members; Composition of Districts.

Section 11-44C-14 - District Council Members - Filing as Candidate; Qualifying Fee.

Section 11-44C-15 - District Council Members - No Primary Elections; Filing of Pauper's Oath or Petition to Become Candidate.

Section 11-44C-16 - District Council Members - Oath of Office.

Section 11-44C-17 - District Council Members - Qualifications; Holding Other Offices; Effect of Conviction or Loss of Any Qualification.

Section 11-44C-18 - District Council Members - Compensation; Additional Stipend for President of Council.

Section 11-44C-19 - President of Council.

Section 11-44C-20 - Vice-President of Council.

Section 11-44C-21 - Powers of Council; Dealings With Officers and Employees in Administrative Service.

Section 11-44C-22 - Vacancies in Council.

Section 11-44C-23 - Creating, Changing, Abolishing, or Assigning Additional Functions to Offices, Departments, or Agencies.

Section 11-44C-24 - City Clerk Continued in Office; Applicability of Merit System; Appointment of Successor; Duties.

Section 11-44C-25 - First Meeting of Council; Council to Meet Regularly; Meetings Open to Public.

Section 11-44C-25.1 - Number of Required Council Meetings per Year.

Section 11-44C-26 - Council to Judge Election and Qualifications of Members.

Section 11-44C-27 - Rules and Order of Business of Council; Journal of Proceedings.

Section 11-44C-28 - Meetings of Council; Quorum; Majority Vote Requirement; Procedure; Record of Proceedings; Procedure as to Ordinances or Resolutions of Permanent Operation; Publication; No Veto as to Council Actions Relating to an Investigation.

Section 11-44C-29 - Grant of Franchise, Lease, or Right to Use Streets, etc., by Ordinance or Resolution.

Section 11-44C-30 - Revision and Codification of Ordinances, Bylaws, and Resolutions; Comprehensive Zone Map.

Section 11-44C-31 - Monthly Statement of Receipts and Expenses; Annual Examination of Books and Accounts.

Section 11-44C-32 - Mayor - Filing as Candidate; Qualifying Fee.

Section 11-44C-33 - Mayor - No Primary Election; Filing of Pauper's Oath or Petition to Become Candidate.

Section 11-44C-34 - Mayor - Qualifications.

Section 11-44C-35 - Mayor - Compensation.

Section 11-44C-36 - Mayor - Vacancies; Acting Mayor; Special Election to Fill Vacancy; Term of Office.

Section 11-44C-37 - Mayor - Powers and Duties.

Section 11-44C-38 - Divisions of City Government; Executive Directors of Divisions; City Attorney; Outside Counsel.

Section 11-44C-39 - Distribution of Work Among Departmental Divisions.

Section 11-44C-40 - Mayor Authorized to Employ Additional Personnel; Amount Available for Salaries; Not Subject to Merit System.

Section 11-44C-41 - Fiscal, Budget, and Accounting Years.

Section 11-44C-42 - Mayor to Submit Budget to Council.

Section 11-44C-43 - Estimates of Revenue and Expenditures for Each Department, etc.; Compilation of Budget Information by Director of Finance; Review and Revision of Estimates.

Section 11-44C-44 - General Fund Budget.

Section 11-44C-45 - Recommended Expenditures Not to Exceed Estimated Receipts Unless Additional Revenue Measures Adopted; Recommendations Where Receipts Estimated to Exceed Expenditures; Public Utility Budgets.

Section 11-44C-46 - Contents of Budget Message.

Section 11-44C-47 - Printing and Distribution of Budget Message and General Fund, Public Utility and Capital Budgets.

Section 11-44C-48 - Public Hearing on Budget.

Section 11-44C-49 - Revision of Budget After Hearing; Increase in Expenditures Over Mayor's Recommendation; Expenditures Not to Exceed Receipts and Surplus Unless Additional Revenue Measures Adopted.

Section 11-44C-50 - Summary of Budget.

Section 11-44C-51 - Adoption of General Fund Budget and Any Necessary Revenue Measure; Failure to Adopt Budget.

Section 11-44C-52 - Disapproval by Mayor of Expenditure Line Item; Adherence by Council to Expenditure.

Section 11-44C-53 - Budget Effective Upon Final Adoption; Certification; Printing and Distribution.

Section 11-44C-54 - Budget Estimates for Public Utilities; Presentation of Budget to Council.

Section 11-44C-55 - Submission of Work Program Which Shows Requested Appropriations for Department, etc.; Revision.

Section 11-44C-56 - Transfer of Unencumbered Balance From One Department, etc., to Another.

Section 11-44C-57 - Additional Appropriations.

Section 11-44C-58 - Emergency Appropriations.

Section 11-44C-59 - Lapse of Unexpended and Unencumbered Appropriation.

Section 11-44C-60 - Capital Improvement Program.

Section 11-44C-61 - Capital Budget; Lapse of Appropriations for Capital Improvement Projects; Reserve Fund for Permanent Public Improvements.

Section 11-44C-62 - Payments and Obligations Must Be in Accord With Appropriations; Certification by Director of Finance; Void Payments and Obligations; Penalty for Knowing Violations.

Section 11-44C-63 - Existing Budget Continued in Force.

Section 11-44C-64 - Department of Finance; Director.

Section 11-44C-65 - Director of Finance - Qualifications; Bond.

Section 11-44C-66 - Director of Finance - Powers and Duties.

Section 11-44C-67 - Expenditures Not to Exceed Appropriation for That General Classification of Expenditure; Expenditures Financed by Bonds; Leases or Contracts for Period Exceeding Budget Year.

Section 11-44C-68 - Disposition of Fees Received by Officers and Employees.

Section 11-44C-69 - Division of Department of Finance to Be Responsible for Purchases; Powers and Duties of Division Head.

Section 11-44C-70 - Competitive Bidding on Contracts for Supplies, Materials, or Equipment.

Section 11-44C-71 - City Improvements Costing More Than $2,000.00 to Be Executed by Contract; Bidding on Contract; Alteration of Contract.

Section 11-44C-72 - Purchases and Contracts Shall Be Pursuant to Written Requisition; Certification of Balance Sufficient to Pay for Contract or Order.

Section 11-44C-73 - Revenue Notes.

Section 11-44C-74 - Emergency Notes.

Section 11-44C-75 - Notes Not Payable on Demand; Redemption Prior to Maturity; Private Sale.

Section 11-44C-76 - Existing Rights and Privileges of Officers and Employees; Existing Laws Not Inconsistent With Personnel, etc., Provisions of Chapter.

Section 11-44C-77 - Personnel Holding Administrative Office Continued in Office; Transfer of Powers and Duties of Office, etc., Abolished by This Chapter.

Section 11-44C-78 - Transfer of Records, Property, and Equipment of Office, etc., Where Powers and Duties Reassigned.

Section 11-44C-79 - Office, etc., With Name or Powers and Duties the Same or Substantially Same as Existing Office Deemed a Continuation of Such Office.

Section 11-44C-80 - Existing Contracts Continued in Force; Public Improvements for Which Legislative Steps Taken.

Section 11-44C-81 - Pending Legal Actions and Proceedings.

Section 11-44C-82 - Laws Relating to Pensions or Retirement and Relief Funds Continued in Force.

Section 11-44C-83 - Laws Relating to Authority for Fairgrounds, etc., Continued in Force.

Section 11-44C-84 - Ordinances and Resolutions Continued in Effect.

Section 11-44C-85 - Removal of Merit System Officers and Employees; Appeal of Decision.

Section 11-44C-86 - Participation in Meetings of Council by Mayor, Department Heads, Etc.

Section 11-44C-87 - Inquiry Into Conduct of Office, Department, Agency, or Officer; Investigations as to Municipal Affairs; Subpoena Power.

Section 11-44C-88 - Interest of Official or Employee in Contracts With City or Public Utility Prohibited; Acceptance of Gifts, etc.; Free Transportation of Officials, Policemen, and Firemen in Discharge of Duties.

Section 11-44C-89 - Oath Taken by City Officers.

Section 11-44C-90 - Reapportionment of Council Districts Because of Population Change.

Section 11-44C-91 - Procedure for Changing Form of Government; Change From Mayor-Council Form Prohibited for Two Years.

Section 11-44C-92 - Commission Form of Government.

Section 11-44C-93 - Provisions Applicable Regardless of Form of Government Chosen.

Section 11-44C-94 - Materials or Supplies Becoming Component Parts in Repair, etc., of Certain Aircraft.

Section 11-44C-94.1 - Exemption Reiterated for Materials or Supplies Becoming Component Parts in Repair, etc., of Certain Aircraft.

Section 11-44C-95 - Tax Exemption for the Centre for the Living Arts, Inc.

Section 11-44C-96 - Tax Exemption for Bayfest, Inc.

Section 11-44C-97 - Water and Sewer System Boards - Composition.

Section 11-44C-98 - Board of Adjustment.