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Section 26-2A-30 - Territorial Application. - Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, it applies to:...
Section 26-2A-32 - Venue; Multiple Proceedings; Transfer. - (a) If a proceeding under this chapter could be maintained...
Section 26-2A-31 - Subject Matter Jurisdiction. - (a) To the full extent permitted by the constitution and...
Section 26-2A-33 - Practice in Court. - Unless specifically provided to the contrary in this chapter or...
Section 26-2A-34 - Records and Certified Copies. - The clerk of court shall keep a record for each...
Section 26-2A-35 - Jury Trial. - (a) Except for proceedings in a court having general equity...
Section 26-2A-36 - Appeals. - Appellate review, including the right to appellate review, interlocutory appeal,...