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Section 22-8-1 - Persons Physically or Mentally Unable to Consent. - No consent shall be required for a licensed physician, psychiatrist,...
Section 22-8-2 - When Consent of Missing Husband or Wife Not Required. - When a person, minor or adult, has not lived with...
Section 22-8-3 - When Physician May Proceed Without Consent of Parent. - Any legally authorized medical, dental, health or mental health services...
Section 22-8-4 - When Minor May Give Consent Generally. - Any minor who is 14 years of age or older,...
Section 22-8-5 - Consent of Minor for Self and Child. - Any minor who is married, or having been married is...
Section 22-8-6 - Consent of Any Minor as to Pregnancy, Venereal Disease, Drug Dependency, Alcohol Toxicity and Reportable Diseases. - Any minor may give effective consent for any legally authorized...
Section 22-8-7 - Effect of Minor's Consent; Liability of Physicians, etc.; Waiver of Rights or Causes of Action. - (a) The consent of a minor who professes to be,...
Section 22-8-8 - Consents Authorized Deemed Cumulative. - Consents authorized by this chapter are cumulative to all other...
Section 22-8-9 - Consent of Minor to Donation of Bone Marrow; Consent by Parent or Legal Guardian. - Any minor who is 14 years of age or older,...
Section 22-8-10 - Authorization of Medical Treatment for Mental Health Services of Certain Minors by Parent or Legal Guardian. - The parent or legal guardian of a minor who is...
Section 22-8-11 - This Section Was Assigned by the Code Commissioner in the 2021 2nd Special Session, Effective November 5, 2021. This Is Not in the Current Code Supplement. - (a) As used in this section, the terms "vaccination" and...