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Section 22-28-1 - Short Title. - This chapter shall be known and may be cited as...
Section 22-28-2 - Definitions. - For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall...
Section 22-28-3 - Declaration of Policy; Purpose of Chapter. - (a) It is hereby declared to be the public policy...
Section 22-28-9 - Authority of Commission to Hire Consultants, Assistants and Other Employees. - The commission may employ and compensate, within appropriations available therefor,...
Section 22-28-10 - Powers of Commission Generally; Advisory Committees. - In addition to other powers conferred on it by law,...
Section 22-28-11 - Emission Control Requirements. - The commission may establish such emission control requirements, by rule...
Section 22-28-12 - Motor Vehicle Emissions. - (a) As the state of knowledge and technology relating to...
Section 22-28-13 - Variances. - (a) The commission may grant individual variances beyond the limitations...
Section 22-28-14 - Regulations - Authority of Commission. - The commission, pursuant to procedures prescribed in Section 22-28-15, may...
Section 22-28-15 - Regulations - Hearings; Procedure for Adoption. - (a) No substantive regulations shall be adopted, amended or repealed...
Section 22-28-16 - Permits. - (a) The commission, by regulation, shall prohibit the construction, installation,...
Section 22-28-17 - Review of Plans and Specifications. - (a) The commission may require that notice be given to...
Section 22-28-18 - Providing of Information. - The commission may require the owner or operator of any...
Section 22-28-19 - Right of Entry for Inspection; Tests and Samples. - (a) Any duly authorized officer, employee or representative of the...
Section 22-28-20 - Availability of Records, Reports or Information. - (a) Any records, reports or information obtained under this chapter...
Section 22-28-21 - Air Pollution Emergencies. - (a) Any other provisions of law to the contrary notwithstanding,...
Section 22-28-22 - Proceedings Upon Violation of Chapter; Penalties; Subpoenas; Injunctions. - (a) Any person who knowingly violates or fails or refuses...
Section 22-28-23 - Local Air Pollution Control Programs. - (a) Except as provided in this section, it is the...