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Section 13A-11-180 - "Resides" or "Residing" Defined. - The words "resides" or "residing," as used in this article,...
Section 13A-11-181 - Person Convicted More Than Twice of Felony to Register With Sheriff of County of Residence. - It shall be the duty of any person who has...
Section 13A-11-182 - Registration Card. - Upon registration and the filing of the affidavit, as provided...
Section 13A-11-183 - Notice of Change of Address or Place of Residence. - It shall be the duty of any person who has...
Section 13A-11-184 - Certain Persons Exempt. - The provisions of this article shall not apply to any...
Section 13A-11-185 - Access to Registration Book. - No person except the sheriff and the deputy sheriffs of...
Section 13A-11-186 - Penalties for Violation of Article. - It shall be unlawful for any person subject to the...