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Section 41-10-170 - Creation and Purposes. - There is hereby created the Historic Blakeley Authority: (1) To...
Section 41-10-171 - Composition; Appointment, Terms, Vacancies, Etc. - The authority shall be composed of 21 members as follows:...
Section 41-10-172 - Pay, Emoluments, and Expenses of Members of the Authority. - No member of the authority shall receive any pay or...
Section 41-10-173 - Charging, Receiving, or Obtaining of Fees, etc., From the Authority by Members, Employees, etc.; Interests Held by Members, Employees, etc., in Land, Materials, or Contracts Sold To, Made With, etc., the Authority. - It shall be unlawful for any member of the authority...
Section 41-10-174 - Meetings; Quorum; Organization and Procedure of the Authority; Official Seal; Election and Terms of Office of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer; Bonding Requirements for Treasurer. - (a) The authority shall hold an annual meeting at Blakeley...
Section 41-10-175 - Powers and Duties of Authority Generally. - The authority shall constitute a body corporate and shall have,...
Section 41-10-176 - Power to Take Possession Under Lease, etc., of Property Within the Blakeley National Register Site; Power to Lease, Purchase, etc., Any Property in Order to Fulfill the Purposes of the Authority, Power to Borrow Money, Issue Reven... - (a) The authority is authorized to take possession under a...
Section 41-10-177 - Duty to Facilitate Exhibition of Park and Historic Site to the Public; Admission Charges; Agreements With Other Groups or Organizations Relative to Management of the Park and Historic Site; Authority to Accept Gratuitous Services. - (a) The authority shall operate or provide for the operation...
Section 41-10-178 - Appropriation of Public Funds and Construction and Maintenance of Roads and Other Public Facilities, etc., for the Authority by Counties and Municipalities. - The county commission of any county or governing body of...
Section 41-10-179 - Taxation of Income, Property, Leases, Bonds, etc., of the Authority. - The authority shall have a tax-exempt status, and the properties...
Section 41-10-180 - Participation of Employees of the Authority in Insurance Programs Provided for State Employees; Payment of Contributions for Such Insurance. - (a) All full-time employees of the authority shall be treated...
Section 41-10-181 - Authority as State Agency; Control Over Blakeley Site, Historic Park, etc.; Promulgation, Alteration, etc., of Rules and Regulations Concerning Preservation, etc., of Blakeley Historic Site; Penalty for Violation of Rules or Regul... - (a) The authority shall be a state agency, and shall...
Section 41-10-182 - Reaffirmation of Charter of Town of Blakeley; Recognition as Municipality; Boundaries; Persons Recognized as Citizens for Purposes of Electing Town Officials and Conducting Town Business; Authority as Governing Body of Town of Bla... - The original charter of the Town of Blakeley by act...