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Section 13A-10-100 - Definitions. - (a) The definitions in Sections 13A-10-1 and 13A-10-60 are applicable...
Section 13A-10-101 - Perjury in the First Degree. - (a) A person commits the crime of perjury in the...
Section 13A-10-102 - Perjury in the Second Degree. - (a) A person commits the crime of perjury in the...
Section 13A-10-103 - Perjury in the Third Degree. - (a) A person commits the crime of perjury in the...
Section 13A-10-104 - Perjury Prosecution for Inconsistent Statements; Highest Degree of Perjury for Which Conviction May Be Had. - (a) Where a person has made statements under oath which...
Section 13A-10-105 - Corroboration Required for Perjury Conviction; Exception. - In any prosecution for perjury, except a prosecution based upon...
Section 13A-10-106 - Denial of Guilt in Previous Trial Not to Be Prosecuted as Perjury. - No prosecution shall be brought under this article if the...
Section 13A-10-107 - When Retraction of False Statement Bar to Perjury Conviction. - No person shall be convicted of perjury if he retracted...
Section 13A-10-108 - Irregularities No Defense to Perjury Prosecution. - It is no defense to prosecution for perjury: (1) That...
Section 13A-10-109 - Unsworn Falsification to Authorities. - (a) A person commits the crime of unsworn falsification to...