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Section 11-51-220 - Applicability; Definitions. - This division shall apply to all Class 6 cities as...
Section 11-51-221 - Exemption From Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes. - The governing body of any city which is subject to...
Section 11-51-222 - Exemption From Occupational License Fees in Class 6 City. - The governing body of any city which is subject to...
Section 11-51-223 - Assessment and Collection of Privilege or License Tax, etc., Authorized; Exception. - No provision of this division shall prevent the governing body...
Division 2 - Ad Valorem Tax for Educational Purposes.
Section 11-51-240 - Applicability; Definitions. - This division shall apply to all Class 6 municipalities as...
Section 11-51-241 - Exemption. - The governing body of any Class 6 municipality, by the...