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Section 23-1-100 - "Captive County" Defined. - Unless different meanings are expressly specified in subsequent provisions of...
Section 23-1-101 - Powers and Duties of County Commissions of Captive Counties as to Construction, Repair, and Maintenance of County Roads and Bridges Generally. - The county commission of each of the captive counties shall...
Section 23-1-102 - Transfer to Counties of Unexpended Funds Maintained by State Department of Transportation; Payment to Counties of Tax Proceeds, Federal Aid Accruals, Etc. - Any unexpended moneys remaining in the fund required by law...
Section 23-1-103 - Transfer to Counties by State Department of Transportation of Facilities and Properties for Construction, Repair, and Maintenance of Roads; Resolution of Disputes as to Transfers. - The State Department of Transportation shall transfer and turn over...
Section 23-1-104 - Furnishing of Counties With Lists of Persons Employed by State Department of Transportation Therein; Employment by Counties of Persons on Lists; Employment Status of Other Persons Employed by Department in Counties; Liability for A... - The State Department of Transportation shall furnish a list to...
Section 23-1-105 - Effect of Article Upon Contracts for Construction, Repair and Maintenance of County Roads and Bridges Entered Into by State Department of Transportation. - Any contract for the construction, repair, and maintenance of county...
Section 23-1-106 - Effect of Article Upon Outstanding Financial Obligations Incurred by Counties; Disposition of Funds Received by State From Counties for Road and Bridge Work Therein. - All outstanding financial obligations which were incurred prior to the...
Section 23-1-107 - Effective Date. - This article after its passage and approval by the Governor,...