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Section 26-2-43 - Procedure Generally - Summoning, etc., of Jurors, Witnesses and Person Alleged to Be Incapacitated. - The judge of probate must issue a writ directed to...
Section 26-2-44 - Procedure Generally - Impaneling and Swearing in of Jury; Filling of Vacancies on Jury. - (a) At the time set for the trial, if good...
Section 26-2-45 - Procedure Generally - Entry of Decree, Recordation of Proceedings and Appointment of Conservator by Court Upon Rendition of Verdict of Jury. - If the jury find by their verdict that the facts...
Section 26-2-46 - Procedure Where Person Alleged to Be of Unsound Mind Confined in Hospital or Asylum. - If the person alleged to be of unsound mind is...
Section 26-2-47 - Appointment of Guardian for Nonresident Incapacitated Person Having Property Within State - Authorization. - The court of probate of a county in which an...
Section 26-2-48 - Appointment of Guardian for Nonresident Incapacitated Person Having Property Within State - Procedure. - The application for the appointment of a conservator for such...
Section 26-2-50 - Appointment of General Conservator of County or Sheriff as Guardian. - The general conservator of the county must be appointed conservator...
Section 26-2-51 - Revocation of Guardianship or Conservatorship - Upon Application by Person Ascertained to Be Incapacitated - Contents of Application, Etc. - At any time after the inquisition, the person ascertained to...
Section 26-2-52 - Revocation of Guardianship or Conservatorship - Upon Application by Person Ascertained to Be Incapacitated - Appointment of Date for Hearing on Application; Notice to Guardian or Conservator, Etc. - On the filing of such application, the court must appoint...
Section 26-2-53 - Revocation of Guardianship or Conservatorship - Upon Application by Person Ascertained to Be Incapacitated - Conduct of Hearing or Trial Upon Contested Application; Entry of Decree Revoking Guardianship or Conservatorship, etc., Whe... - If the guardian or conservator or the person at whose...
Section 26-2-54 - Revocation of Guardianship or Conservatorship - Upon Application by Person Ascertained to Be Incapacitated - Entry of Decree or Judgment as to Contested Application Upon Rendition of Verdict of Jury. - If, on the trial of the contest, the jury finds...
Section 26-2-55 - Revocation of Guardianship or Conservatorship - Upon Application by Guardian or Conservator. - If, at any time after his or her appointment, the...