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Section 12-16-55 - Declaration of Policy. - It is the policy of this state that all persons...
Section 12-16-56 - Discrimination Prohibited. - A citizen shall not be excluded from jury service in...
Section 12-16-57 - Master List. - (a) The jury commission for each county shall compile and...
Section 12-16-58 - Placement of Names of Prospective Jurors in Master Jury Box. - (a) The name or identifying number of every prospective juror...
Section 12-16-59 - Drawings From Master Jury Box; Preparation and Contents of Juror Qualification Forms; Completion of Qualification Forms by Prospective Jurors; Misrepresentation of Material Facts on Qualification Forms. - (a) From time to time and in a manner prescribed...
Section 12-16-60 - Qualifications of Jurors. - (a) A prospective juror is qualified to serve on a...
Section 12-16-61 - Trial Court Jury Box. - The jury commission shall maintain a trial court jury box...
Section 12-16-62 - No Exemptions From Jury Service. - No qualified prospective juror is exempt from jury service.
Section 12-16-63 - Excusing Prospective Jurors From Service. - (a) The court, upon the request of a prospective juror...
Section 12-16-63.1 - Request for Postponement of Service. - (a) Individuals scheduled to appear for jury service have the...
Section 12-16-64 - Preservation of Records. - All records and papers compiled and maintained by the jury...