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Section 17-14-30 - Number of Presidential Electors. - On the day prescribed in Section 17-14-10, there are to...
Section 17-14-31 - Certification of Names of Candidates; Nominating Petitions; Names of Electors; Statement of Electors. - (a) When presidential electors are to be chosen, the Secretary...
Section 17-14-32 - Names on Ballots; Vote for Candidate Counted as Vote for Designated Electors. - The names of all candidates for President and Vice President...
Section 17-14-33 - Making Returns to Secretary of State. - In all elections for electors for President and Vice President,...
Section 17-14-34 - Governor to Estimate Returns and Give Notice of Election. - Within 15 days after the time for making the returns,...
Section 17-14-35 - Tie Vote. - If, at the time of making the certification under Section...
Section 17-14-36 - Electoral Meeting; Filling of Vacancies. - The electors of President and Vice President are to assemble...
Section 17-14-37 - Compensation of Electors. - Each elector for President and Vice President shall receive eight...