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Section 10-4-20 - Incorporation. - All provisions of Title 10 have been repealed or transferred...
Section 10-4-21 - Powers of Corporation. - All provisions of Title 10 have been repealed or transferred...
Section 10-4-22 - Independence of Church Corporations in Control of Real Property. - All provisions of Title 10 have been repealed or transferred...
Section 10-4-23 - Validity of Service of Process on Trustee. - All provisions of Title 10 have been repealed or transferred...
Section 10-4-24 - Borrowing of Money and Securing Same by Mortgage or Deed of Trust. - All provisions of Title 10 have been repealed or transferred...
Section 10-4-25 - Sale and Conveyance of Property. - All provisions of Title 10 have been repealed or transferred...
Section 10-4-26 - Effect of Recital in Minutes on Proceedings Under Sections 10-4-24 and 10-4-25. - All provisions of Title 10 have been repealed or transferred...
Section 10-4-27 - Burial Societies - Special Powers. - All provisions of Title 10 have been repealed or transferred...
Section 10-4-28 - Burial Societies - Chairman and Members of Board. - All provisions of Title 10 have been repealed or transferred...