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Section 15-5-1 - A "search warrant" is an order in writing in the...
Section 15-5-2 - Grounds for Issuance. - A search warrant may be issued on any one of...
Section 15-5-3 - Probable Cause and Affidavit Required. - A search warrant can only be issued on probable cause,...
Section 15-5-4 - Examination of Complainant and Witnesses; Contents of Depositions. - Before issuing a search warrant, a judge, or magistrate authorized...
Section 15-5-5 - Issuance of Warrant. - If the judge or the magistrate is satisfied of the...
Section 15-5-6 - Form. - A search warrant may be substantially in the following form:...
Section 15-5-7 - By Whom Executed. - A search warrant may be executed by any one of...
Section 15-5-8 - When Executed; Time of Execution to Be Stated. - In cases in which the property to be seized does...
Section 15-5-9 - Authority of Serving Officer to Break Into House. - To execute a search warrant, an officer may break open...
Section 15-5-10 - Taking of Property. - (a) When a search warrant is sued out on the...
Section 15-5-11 - Receipt for Property Taken. - When an officer takes property under a search warrant, he...
Section 15-5-12 - Warrant to Be Executed and Returned Within 10 Days. - A search warrant must be executed and returned to the...
Section 15-5-13 - Contents of Return; Copies to Be Furnished. - In his return of a search warrant to the judge...
Section 15-5-14 - Disposition of Taken Property by Court if Property Stolen or Embezzled. - When the property is taken under a search warrant, it...
Section 15-5-15 - Hearing on Controverted Grounds; Authentication of Testimony as to Such Facts. - If the grounds on which a search warrant was issued...
Section 15-5-16 - Restoration of Taken Property to Defendant; Property to Be Forwarded to Court if Not Restored. - (a) If it appears that the property taken is not...
Section 15-5-17 - Searching of Person Charged With Felony for Weapon or Evidence in Judge's or Magistrate's Presence. - When a person charged with a felony is supposed by...
Section 15-5-18 - Payment of Fees and Costs. - The complainant must pay the fees of a search warrant...
Section 15-5-19 - Penalty for Procuring Maliciously and Without Probable Cause. - Any person who maliciously and without probable cause procures a...