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Section 5-3A-1 - Required Times; Items to Be Examined; Applicability to Bank Holding Companies and Affiliates. - (a) For purposes of this section, a bank holding company...
Section 5-3A-2 - Acceptance of Examinations and Reports of Federal Bank Regulatory Agency, Etc. - The superintendent is authorized to accept, in his discretion, in...
Section 5-3A-3 - Disclosure of Information Obtained by Superintendent, Bank Examiners, Etc. - (a) Neither the superintendent, any member of the Banking Board,...
Section 5-3A-4 - Expenses of Special Examinations. - The expenses incidental to any special examination of banks, bank...
Section 5-3A-5 - Examination of Agency of Foreign Banks. - The superintendent shall have the power to examine or cause...
Section 5-3A-6 - Examination of Witnesses and Production of Documents; Penalties for False Entry or Statement; Proceedings Against Former Employees. - (a) For purposes of this section, a bank holding company...
Section 5-3A-7 - False Swearing, etc., Before Bank Examiners or Superintendent. - Any person who willfully or corruptly swears or affirms falsely,...
Section 5-3A-8 - Reports of Superintendent and Bank Examiners as to Examinations; Publication of Reports of Examination for Limited Purposes. - Each examiner shall report under oath to the superintendent the...
Section 5-3A-9 - Loans, Gifts, Favors, etc., to Banking Department Employees From Banks, Employees, etc., Prohibited. - (a) No officer, agent or employee of any bank shall...
Section 5-3A-10 - False Reports by Bank Examiners. - Any bank examiner who shall make a report under oath...
Section 5-3A-11 - Reports of Examination; Meetings of Banking Board; Confidentiality. - All reports of examination, records reflecting action of a bank...
Section 5-3A-12 - Semiannual Reports by Banks - Required; Verification. - All banks shall make to the superintendent, on the call...
Section 5-3A-13 - Semiannual Report by Banks - Special Reports of Banks. - The superintendent may call for a special report from any...
Section 5-3A-14 - Semiannual Report by Banks - Form; Publication; Penalty for Late Report. - Each report required by Section 5-3A-12 shall exhibit in detail...
Section 5-3A-15 - Semiannual Reports by Banks - Republication. - If there are discrepancies in the published report of the...
Section 5-3A-16 - Failure to Pay for Publication of Bank Report by Superintendent. - Any bank which fails or refuses to pay the cost...
Section 5-3A-17 - Verification of False Report of Condition of Bank. - Any person who knowingly and willfully signs or verifies by...