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CHAPTER 1 - General Provisions and Definitions
ARTICLE 1 - General Provisions
Section 9000. - 9000. The refunding of bonds issued under the “Improvement Bond...
Section 9001. - 9001. The legislative body of any city in this State...
Section 9002. - 9002. It is the intention of this division that the...
Section 9003. - 9003. Any action or determination made necessary by reason of...
Section 9004. - 9004. Any city may employ any qualified person to perform...
Section 9005. - 9005. The incidental expenses of any refunding and reassessment authorized...
Section 9006. - 9006. When proceedings are commenced under this division, the provisions...
Section 9007. - 9007. This division does not affect any other act or...
Section 9008. - 9008. The remedies provided for the enforcement of any reassessment...
Section 9009. - 9009. The curative clauses of this division are cumulative and...
Section 9010. - 9010. This division and all of its provisions shall be...
Section 9011. - 9011. Whenever the requisite number of property owners have filed...
Section 9012. - 9012. In any action to foreclose or in any action...
Section 9013. - 9013. In the event of foreclosure or action to quiet...
Section 9014. - 9014. The purchaser, whether at tax collector’s sale or at...
ARTICLE 2 - Definitions
Section 9015. - 9015. Unless the particular provision or the context otherwise requires,...
Section 9016. - 9016. All words in this division relating to municipal officers...
Section 9017. - 9017. “Auditor” means: (a) When used with reference to a...
Section 9018. - 9018. “City” includes counties, cities and counties, and all corporations...
Section 9019. - 9019. “Clerk” means: (a) When used with reference to a...
Section 9020. - 9020. “Legislative body” means: (a) When used with reference to...
Section 9021. - 9021. “Parcel” means lot, piece, parcel, or tract of land....
Section 9022. - 9022. As used with reference to a county, “street superintendent”...
Section 9023. - 9023. “Tax collector” means any person who, under whatever name...
Section 9024. - 9024. “Tax-deeded lands” are parcels of land, the assessment upon...
Section 9025. - 9025. “Treasurer” means: (a) When used with reference to a...
CHAPTER 2 - Preliminary Proceedings
ARTICLE 1 - Authority to Refund
Section 9050. - 9050. Whenever any principal or interest of any issue of...
ARTICLE 2 - Consent of Bondholders
Section 9055. - 9055. The legislative body may enter into a written contract...
Section 9056. - 9056. When any bond is presented by any person to...
Section 9057. - 9057. The contract or contracts shall determine the terms and...
Section 9058. - 9058. The bonds to be refunded may be deposited with...
Section 9059. - 9059. The State of California or any city, county, or...
Section 9060. - 9060. The city may at any time prior to the...
Section 9061. - 9061. If the owners of 75 percent or more of...
ARTICLE 3 - Nonconsenting Bondholders
Section 9070. - 9070. In the event that the holders of one or...
Section 9071. - 9071. The city which is conducting the refunding proceedings may...
Section 9072. - 9072. If any person advances money to provide for the...
Section 9073. - 9073. Any other methods of raising funds for the payment...
Section 9074. - 9074. Whenever any money is placed in any fund for...
Section 9075. - 9075. In the event that the discharge of the bonds...
Section 9076. - 9076. The reassessment shall not be recorded until adequate provision...
ARTICLE 4 - Refunding of Two or More Issues
Section 9080. - 9080. Two or more issues of bonds issued under the...
Section 9081. - 9081. The proceedings for refunding two or more issues of...
CHAPTER 3 - Reassessment
ARTICLE 1 - Computing the Reassessment
Section 9100. - 9100. When the contract between the city and 75 percent...
Section 9101. - 9101. The amount of the reassessment upon any parcel of...
Section 9102. - 9102. As an alternative method of apportioning the reassessments, the...
Section 9103. - 9103. When the reassessment has been spread under the alternative...
Section 9104. - 9104. The amount of the reassessment upon any parcel shall...
Section 9105. - 9105. Tax-deeded land shall be subject to reassessment. (Added by...
Section 9106. - 9106. Any parcel of land subject to the lien of...
Section 9107. - 9107. All money appropriated by the city or county to...
ARTICLE 2 - Contributions and Appropriations
Section 9125. - 9125. A city proceeding under this division may appropriate money...
Section 9126. - 9126. In addition to the authority contained elsewhere in this...
Section 9127. - 9127. All or any part of the delinquent taxes levied...
Section 9128. - 9128. Such appropriation or contribution may be of money to...
Section 9129. - 9129. If cancellation as provided in this article is authorized,...
Section 9130. - 9130. When any appropriation or contribution is made by authorizing...
Section 9131. - 9131. The taxes to be appropriated or contributed may be...
Section 9132. - 9132. The resolution making the appropriation or contribution and authorizing...
Section 9133. - 9133. When an appropriation or contribution of taxes has been...
Section 9134. - 9134. Where property has been deeded to the State for...
ARTICLE 3 - Approval of Reassessment
Section 9140. - 9140. The statement of the auditor pursuant to Article 1...
Section 9141. - 9141. If the legislative body finds the statement of the...
Section 9142. - 9142. Upon the approval of the statement of the auditor...
Section 9143. - 9143. The resolution shall also state the total amount of...
Section 9144. - 9144. If the assessment was spread as provided in Section...
Section 9145. - 9145. The resolution shall be published once a week for...
CHAPTER 4 - Election of Landowners to Pay Original Assessment
Section 9160. - 9160. The owners of property liable to pay assessments have...
Section 9161. - 9161. The assessments upon property as to which such written...
Section 9162. - 9162. Outstanding bonds payable serially as the assessments are payable,...
Section 9163. - 9163. In the event any property owner elects to continue...
Section 9164. - 9164. If in order that the principal amount of outstanding...
Section 9165. - 9165. If any property owner does not elect to continue...
CHAPTER 5 - Consent of Landowners to Refunding and Reassessment
Section 9180. - 9180. The written consent of the owners of a majority...
Section 9181. - 9181. Any owner of land subject to reassessment may file...
Section 9182. - 9182. Owners of land within the meaning of this chapter...
Section 9183. - 9183. As to any land deeded to a city for...
Section 9184. - 9184. As to tax deeded lands the State Controller may...
Section 9185. - 9185. Executors, administrators, special administrators and guardians may consent for...
Section 9186. - 9186. At the hearing on the refunding and reassessment the...
Section 9187. - 9187. The validity, sufficiency, or genuineness of any of the...
CHAPTER 6 - Protest and Hearing
Section 9200. - 9200. Any person interested in any of the property to...
Section 9201. - 9201. Any person who files such a protest shall have...
Section 9202. - 9202. At the time and place fixed for hearing, the...
Section 9203. - 9203. At the hearing no objections to the regularity of...
Section 9204. - 9204. The determination of the legislative body upon all objections...
Section 9205. - 9205. The hearing may be continued from time to time...
Section 9206. - 9206. At the hearing the legislative body may review and...
Section 9207. - 9207. At the conclusion of the hearing the reassessment as...
Section 9208. - 9208. The resolution of confirmation shall designate by reassessment number...
CHAPTER 7 - Recordation of Reassessment
Section 9225. - 9225. When the reassessment, as made or as reviewed and...
Section 9226. - 9226. When recorded with the superintendent of streets the reassessment...
Section 9227. - 9227. Assessments originally levied, and all penalties and interest accrued...
Section 9228. - 9228. The lien of the reassessment shall be given superiority...
Section 9229. - 9229. Reassessments and each installment thereof and the interest and...
Section 9230. - 9230. Unmatured installments, interest, and penalties on unpaid reassessments shall...
Section 9231. - 9231. When refunding bonds are issued, the reassessments and any...
CHAPTER 8 - Payment and Collection of Reassessments
ARTICLE 1 - Reassessment Records
Section 9250. - 9250. A copy of the resolution of the legislative body...
Section 9251. - 9251. The auditor shall keep a record in his office...
Section 9252. - 9252. The auditor shall annually enter in his assessment roll...
Section 9253. - 9253. The percentages when collected shall cover the expenses and...
Section 9254. - 9254. In the event that reassessment collections are made by...
Section 9255. - 9255. If a parcel of land affected by any reassessment...
ARTICLE 2 - The Redemption Fund
Section 9260. - 9260. The treasurer shall keep a redemption fund designated by...
Section 9261. - 9261. A city proceeding under this division may at its...
Section 9262. - 9262. From the redemption fund the treasurer shall disburse and...
Section 9263. - 9263. All money in the redemption fund upon the date...
ARTICLE 3 - Payment of Entire Assessment
Section 9270. - 9270. Any interested owner may release and pay any unpaid...
Section 9271. - 9271. If an owner pays a reassessment in a lump...
ARTICLE 4 - Payment Under Protest
Section 9280. - 9280. Taxpayers shall have the same right to pay such...
ARTICLE 5 - Payment in Installments
Section 9285. - 9285. Reassessments shall bear interest from the date of recording...
Section 9286. - 9286. For each year the interest shall be computed and...
Section 9287. - 9287. Whenever it appears to the legislative body that according...
Section 9288. - 9288. If the refunding bonds are payable in annual series,...
Section 9289. - 9289. If the refunding bonds all mature in one year,...
Section 9290. - 9290. The annual proportion of each reassessment coming due in...
Section 9291. - 9291. Reassessment installments and the annual interest thereon shall be...
CHAPTER 9 - Sale for Delinquency
Section 9300. - 9300. Upon default in payment of any installment of a...
Section 9301. - 9301. In the event of default in the payment of...
Section 9302. - 9302. The city shall be the purchaser at any delinquent...
Section 9303. - 9303. If the municipal property tax is collected by county...
Section 9304. - 9304. As to all lands of which any city is...
Section 9305. - 9305. If any succeeding installment of the reassessment on property...
Section 9306. - 9306. The city shall, unless a resale has been made...
Section 9307. - 9307. In the event of sale by the tax collector...
Section 9308. - 9308. A deed issued under this chapter conveys to the...
ARTICLE 2 - Procedure When Funds Not Available for Payment
Section 9315. - 9315. If there are no available funds in the treasury...
Section 9316. - 9316. The delay in execution of a certificate of sale...
Section 9317. - 9317. The legislative body may, and in the event of...
Section 9318. - 9318. The special tax provided for in this chapter shall...
CHAPTER 10 - Foreclosure of Reassessment Lien
Section 9350. - 9350. In the event of nonpayment of any reassessment or...
Section 9351. - 9351. The lien of a reassessment on tax-deeded land may...
Section 9352. - 9352. The action shall be brought in the name of...
Section 9353. - 9353. The complaint may be brief and include substantially only...
Section 9354. - 9354. The costs of the action shall be fixed and...
Section 9355. - 9355. The amount of penalties, costs and interest due shall...
Section 9356. - 9356. The court may adjudge and decree a lien against...
Section 9357. - 9357. On appeal, the appellate courts shall have the same...
Section 9358. - 9358. The foreclosure action shall be governed and regulated by...
Section 9359. - 9359. Upon the ordering of any of the foreclosure actions...
Section 9360. - 9360. In any action to foreclose the lien of a...
Section 9361. - 9361. A city shall have the right to advance and...
Section 9362. - 9362. Any foreclosure of a reassessment lien shall convey the...
CHAPTER 11 - Issuance of Refunding Bonds
Section 9400. - 9400. The legislative body shall provide for the issuance of...
Section 9401. - 9401. In no event shall refunding bonds be issued for...
Section 9402. - 9402. The refunding bonds shall represent and be secured by...
Section 9403. - 9403. Refunding bonds issued pursuant to this division shall comply...
Section 9404. - 9404. All of the refunding bonds shall mature on July...
Section 9405. - 9405. In no event shall the first maturity of any...
Section 9406. - 9406. The last maturity of any refunding bonds shall not...
Section 9407. - 9407. The rate of interest on refunding bonds shall not...
Section 9408. - 9408. The interest on refunding bonds shall be payable on...
Section 9409. - 9409. The first interest payment on such bonds shall in...
Section 9410. - 9410. Refunding bonds and the interest thereon shall be paid...
Section 9411. - 9411. Refunding bonds may be issued in substantially the following...
Section 9412. - 9412. Each bond shall be conclusive evidence of the regularity...
Section 9413. - 9413. The refunding bonds shall be delivered to the holders...
Section 9414. - 9414. When the refunding bonds have been exchanged for the...
Section 9415. - 9415. If the city has appropriated money to assist in...
Section 9416. - 9416. The validity of any refunding bonds issued under this...
Section 9417. - 9417. The treasurer shall keep a register in his office...
CHAPTER 12 - Advance Retirement of Bonds
Section 9450. - 9450. Whenever there is in the redemption fund two thousand...
Section 9451. - 9451. The treasurer shall, by notice published once not less...
Section 9452. - 9452. The proposals for the sale of bonds shall be...
Section 9453. - 9453. If no proposals are received at a price of...
Section 9454. - 9454. Notice of the calling of bonds for redemption shall...
Section 9455. - 9455. All refunding bonds so purchased or redeemed pursuant to...
Section 9456. - 9456. All costs of publication provided for in this chapter...
CHAPTER 13 - Validating Proceedings
Section 9475. - 9475. After the reassessment has been confirmed it shall not...
Section 9476. - 9476. No defect in the form of any reassessment levied...
Section 9477. - 9477. No bond, coupon, assessment, or installment thereof or of...
Section 9478. - 9478. An action to determine the validity of a reassessment...
Section 9479. - 9479. If any reassessment or any refunding bond is held...
Section 9480. - 9480. If refunding bonds are invalidated or held to be...
Section 9481. - 9481. No action or proceeding to set aside, cancel, avoid,...