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CHAPTER 1 - General Provisions and Definitions
Section 33300. - 33300. This division shall be known, and may be cited,...
Section 33301. - 33301. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:...
Section 33302. - 33302. For purposes of this division, the following terms have...
CHAPTER 2 - Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Section 33320. - 33320. There is in the Resources Agency the Sierra Nevada...
Section 33321. - 33321. (a) The board shall consist of 13 voting members...
Section 33322. - 33322. Members and alternates, if any, shall serve terms as...
Section 33323. - 33323. (a) The voting members appointed or designated under paragraph...
Section 33324. - 33324. Annually, the voting members of the board shall elect...
Section 33325. - 33325. (a) Seven members of the voting members shall constitute...
Section 33326. - 33326. The board may establish advisory boards or committees, hold...
Section 33327. - 33327. The board shall establish and maintain a headquarters office...
Section 33328. - 33328. The board shall determine the qualifications of, and shall...
Section 33329. - 33329. The board may enter into contracts with private entities...
Section 33330. - 33330. The conservancy’s expenses for support and administration may be...
Section 33331. - 33331. The board shall conduct business in accordance with the...
Section 33332. - 33332. The board shall hold its regular meetings within, or...
Section 33333. - 33333. On or after January 1, 2006, the board shall...
CHAPTER 3 - Powers, Duties, and Limitations
Section 33340. - 33340. The conservancy’s jurisdiction is limited to the Sierra Nevada...
Section 33341. - 33341. The conservancy shall carry out projects and activities to...
Section 33342. - 33342. In carrying out this division, the conservancy shall cooperate...
Section 33343. - 33343. (a) The conservancy may make grants or loans to...
Section 33344. - 33344. In the case of a grant of funds to...
Section 33345. - 33345. The conservancy shall adopt guidelines setting priorities and criteria...
Section 33345.1. - 33345.1. (a) The Sierra Nevada Watershed Improvement Program is hereby...
Section 33346. - 33346. (a) The conservancy may expend funds and award grants...
Section 33346.5. - 33346.5. The conservancy may apply for and receive grants to...
Section 33347. - 33347. (a) The conservancy may acquire from willing sellers or...
Section 33348. - 33348. Notwithstanding Section 11005.2 of the Government Code or any...
Section 33349. - 33349. (a) The conservancy shall take whatever actions are reasonably...
Section 33350. - 33350. (a) The conservancy shall make an annual report to...
Section 33351. - 33351. The conservancy may expend funds under this division to...
Section 33352. - 33352. (a) The conservancy may receive gifts, donations, bequests, devises,...
Section 33353. - 33353. The conservancy may fix and collect a fee for...
Section 33354. - 33354. Proceeds from a lease, rental, sale, exchange, or transfer...
Section 33355. - 33355. The Sierra Nevada Conservancy Fund is hereby created in...
Section 33356. - 33356. Nothing in this division grants to the conservancy: (a)...