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CHAPTER 1 - General Provisions
Section 32550. - 32550. This division shall be known, and may be cited,...
Section 32551. - 32551. The Legislature hereby finds and declares all of the...
CHAPTER 2 - Definitions
Section 32553. - 32553. As used in this division, the following terms have...
CHAPTER 3 - Conservancy
Section 32555. - 32555. There is in the Natural Resources Agency, the Baldwin...
Section 32556. - 32556. (a) The board shall consist of 15 voting members...
Section 32557. - 32557. (a) The voting members of the board shall serve...
Section 32558. - 32558. The chairperson and vice-chairperson of the board shall be...
Section 32559. - 32559. The conservancy may employ an executive officer and other...
Section 32560. - 32560. All meetings of the board shall be subject to...
Section 32561. - 32561. All members shall receive reimbursement for actual, necessary, and...
CHAPTER 4 - Powers and Duties
Section 32565. - 32565. The jurisdiction of the conservancy shall include only those...
Section 32565.5. - 32565.5. The conservancy shall do all of the following: (a)...
Section 32566. - 32566. The conservancy may direct the management, operation, administration, and...
Section 32567. - 32567. The conservancy shall determine acquisition priorities and may acquire...
Section 32568. - 32568. (a) The conservancy may, within the Baldwin Hills, southern...
Section 32569. - 32569. (a) The conservancy may award grants to local public...
Section 32570. - 32570. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the conservancy...
Section 32571. - 32571. (a) Local public agencies may enter into an agreement...
Section 32572. - 32572. The conservancy shall restrict access on acquired lands that...
Section 32573. - 32573. The conservancy shall do all of the following: (a)...
Section 32573.1. - 32573.1. (a) The Baldwin Hills, Southern Ballona Creek Watershed, and...
Section 32574. - 32574. (a) The conservancy may fix and collect fees for...
Section 32575. - 32575. The conservancy shall administer any funds appropriated to it,...
Section 32576. - 32576. The conservancy may recruit and coordinate volunteers and experts...
Section 32577. - 32577. The conservancy shall coordinate its actions with state and...
Section 32578. - 32578. The conservancy shall have, and may exercise, all rights...
Section 32579. - 32579. The conservancy may sue and be sued. (Added by...