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Section 10330. - 10330. The Wildlife Conservation Board is hereby designated as the...
Section 10331. - 10331. The California Rangeland, Grazing Land, and Grassland Protection Program...
Section 10332. - 10332. As used in this division, the following terms have...
Section 10334. - 10334. Funds may be expended by the board for the...
Section 10335. - 10335. Funds expended pursuant to this division may be used...
Section 10335.5. - 10335.5. (a) Any eligible projects funded under this division with...
Section 10336. - 10336. The board may adopt guidelines to implement the program,...
Section 10337. - 10337. A conservation easement may be acquired pursuant to this...
Section 10338. - 10338. At a minimum, each application for a grant shall...
Section 10339. - 10339. The board may require further information as is reasonably...
Section 10340. - 10340. The board, or the recipient of a grant, may...
Section 10341. - 10341. The board may request staff services from any state...
Section 10342. - 10342. Any conservation easement, money, or other asset acquired pursuant...
Section 10343. - 10343. (a) Nothing in this division authorizes or increases the...
Section 10344. - 10344. The board may coordinate this program with the Oak...