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Section 8660. - 8660. As an alternative to any other authority, a legislative...
Section 8660.5. - 8660.5. The legislative body may determine to issue serial or...
Section 8661. - 8661. If the legislative body determines to issue bonds as...
Section 8662. - 8662. The bonds shall be substantially in the form set...
Section 8663. - 8663. The unpaid assessments shall be payable in substantially the...
Section 8663.5. - 8663.5. Interest on all unpaid assessments shall run from the...
Section 8664. - 8664. Each bond, or any portion of the bond in...
Section 8664.3. - 8664.3. The legislative body may, by resolution, specify that the...
Section 8664.5. - 8664.5. The legislative body may, by resolution, specify terms and...
Section 8665. - 8665. The legislative body may, by resolution, specify terms and...
Section 8665.5. - 8665.5. The notice of assessment recorded with the county recorder...