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Section 2620. - 2620. The debts for which the community estate is liable...
Section 2621. - 2621. Debts incurred by either spouse before the date of...
Section 2622. - 2622. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), debts incurred...
Section 2623. - 2623. Debts incurred by either spouse after the date of...
Section 2624. - 2624. Debts incurred by either spouse after entry of a...
Section 2625. - 2625. Notwithstanding Sections 2620 to 2624, inclusive, all separate debts,...
Section 2626. - 2626. The court has jurisdiction to order reimbursement in cases...
Section 2627. - 2627. Notwithstanding Sections 2550 to 2552, inclusive, and Sections 2620...
Section 2628. - 2628. Notwithstanding Sections 2550 to 2552, inclusive, and Sections 2620...