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CHAPTER 1 - Privileges of Voters
Section 14000. - 14000. (a) If a voter does not have sufficient time...
Section 14001. - 14001. Not less than 10 days before every statewide election,...
Section 14002. - 14002. Sections 14000, 14001, and 14004 shall apply to all...
Section 14003. - 14003. Except in time of war or public danger, no...
Section 14004. - 14004. (a) An employer shall not require or request that...
CHAPTER 1.5 - Rights of Voters
Section 14025. - 14025. This act shall be known and may be cited...
Section 14026. - 14026. As used in this chapter: (a) “At-large method of...
Section 14027. - 14027. An at-large method of election may not be imposed...
Section 14028. - 14028. (a) A violation of Section 14027 is established if...
Section 14029. - 14029. Upon a finding of a violation of Section 14027...
Section 14030. - 14030. In any action to enforce Section 14027 and Section...
Section 14031. - 14031. This chapter is enacted to implement the guarantees of...
Section 14032. - 14032. Any voter who is a member of a protected...
CHAPTER 1.7 - Voter Participation
Section 14050. - 14050. This chapter shall be known and may be cited...
Section 14051. - 14051. As used in this chapter: (a) “Political subdivision” means...
Section 14052. - 14052. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), a political...
Section 14053. - 14053. Upon a finding of a violation of subdivision (a)...
Section 14054. - 14054. In an action to enforce subdivision (a) of Section...
Section 14055. - 14055. A voter who resides in a political subdivision where...
Section 14056. - 14056. This chapter does not apply to special elections. (Added...
Section 14057. - 14057. This chapter shall become operative on January 1, 2018....
CHAPTER 2 - Precinct Supplies
Section 14100. - 14100. The county elections official, in providing the materials required...
Section 14101. - 14101. (a) On or before the first day of January...
Section 14102. - 14102. (a) (1) For each statewide election, the elections official...
Section 14103. - 14103. (a) Before the opening of the polls at any...
Section 14104. - 14104. The elections official shall prepare a receipt for each...
Section 14105. - 14105. The elections official shall furnish to each polling place...
Section 14105.1. - 14105.1. In addition to the materials identified in Section 14105,...
Section 14105.2. - 14105.2. (a) For a partisan primary election, the Secretary of...
Section 14105.3. - 14105.3. (a) The federal Help America Vote Act of 2002...
Section 14105.5. - 14105.5. Members of the precinct board shall not display, distribute,...
Section 14106. - 14106. In addition to the materials required by Section 14105,...
Section 14107. - 14107. (a) The roster to be kept by each precinct...
Section 14109. - 14109. Notwithstanding Sections 14105 and 14107, the roster to be...
Section 14110. - 14110. All officers required by law to designate polling places...
Section 14111. - 14111. Translations of the ballot measures and ballot instructions, as...
Section 14112. - 14112. All voting equipment shall be transferred to the polling...
Section 14113. - 14113. The containers of the ballots furnished to the polling...
CHAPTER 3 - Procedures at Polls
ARTICLE 1 - Election Day Posting Requirements
Section 14200. - 14200. A member of each precinct board shall cause the...
Section 14201. - 14201. (a) In counties and precincts where the Secretary of...
Section 14202. - 14202. (a) Before opening the polls, the precinct board shall...
Section 14203. - 14203. The precinct officer shall post the signs required by...
ARTICLE 2 - Election Day Procedures
Section 14210. - 14210. The members of each precinct board shall distribute the...
Section 14211. - 14211. The polling places shall be arranged so that neither...
Section 14212. - 14212. The polls shall be open at 7 a.m. of...
Section 14213. - 14213. Before the precinct board receives any ballots, it shall...
Section 14214. - 14214. Voting shall commence as soon as the polls are...
Section 14215. - 14215. Before receiving any ballots, the precinct board, in the...
Section 14216. - 14216. (a) Any person desiring to vote shall state or...
Section 14217. - 14217. If the precinct board is unable to find a...
Section 14218. - 14218. If the surname of any person offering to vote...
Section 14219. - 14219. The precinct board shall provide, upon request, to a...
Section 14220. - 14220. At any election, a majority of the members of...
Section 14221. - 14221. Only voters engaged in receiving, preparing, or depositing their...
Section 14222. - 14222. Nothing contained in this code shall prevent a voter...
Section 14223. - 14223. (a) Only members of the precinct board, and persons...
Section 14224. - 14224. (a) Except as provided in Section 14222, a voting...
Section 14225. - 14225. Members of the precinct board shall not deposit in...
Section 14227. - 14227. Any member of the precinct board, when using a...
Section 14227.5. - 14227.5. (a) At a partisan primary election, before providing a...
ARTICLE 3 - Challenging a Voter
Section 14240. - 14240. (a) A person offering to vote may be orally...
Section 14241. - 14241. A piece of mailed matter returned undelivered by the...
Section 14242. - 14242. The ground for challenge set forth in paragraph (2)...
Section 14243. - 14243. If the challenge is on the ground that the...
Section 14244. - 14244. If the challenge is on the ground that the...
Section 14245. - 14245. If the challenge is on the ground that the...
Section 14246. - 14246. If the challenge is on the ground either that...
Section 14247. - 14247. Challenges of voters that they are not residents of...
Section 14248. - 14248. Before administering an oath to a person regarding his...
Section 14249. - 14249. If any person challenged refuses to take the oaths...
Section 14250. - 14250. The precinct board, in determining the place of residence...
Section 14251. - 14251. Any doubt in the interpretation of the law shall...
Section 14252. - 14252. The precinct board shall compile a list showing all...
Section 14253. - 14253. In the event that the precinct board determines that...
ARTICLE 4 - Issuing Ballots and Voting
Section 14270. - 14270. The procedure at the polls where voting is conducted...
Section 14271. - 14271. After the opening of the polls, the precinct board...
Section 14272. - 14272. Before each voter enters the voting booth, the precinct...
Section 14273. - 14273. The device for marking the ballot may be handed...
Section 14274. - 14274. In any election where ballots are to be counted...
Section 14275. - 14275. Before leaving the voting booth or compartment, the voter...
Section 14277. - 14277. The voter shall hand the folded ballot or the...
Section 14278. - 14278. The precinct board shall give each voter only one...
Section 14279. - 14279. Unless otherwise provided by law, no person shall apply...
Section 14280. - 14280. Unless otherwise provided by law, a voter shall not...
Section 14281. - 14281. On receiving a ballot, the voter shall forthwith retire...
Section 14282. - 14282. (a) When a voter declares under oath, administered by...
Section 14283. - 14283. The precinct officers shall keep a list of the...
Section 14284. - 14284. (a) All ballots, except vote by mail voter ballots,...
Section 14285. - 14285. Where two or more candidates for the same office...
Section 14286. - 14286. When a measure is submitted to the voters, the...
Section 14287. - 14287. No voter shall place personal information upon a ballot...
Section 14288. - 14288. If a voter spoils or defaces a ballot, the...
Section 14290. - 14290. The precinct board shall immediately cancel, without unfolding them,...
Section 14291. - 14291. (a) After the ballot is marked, a voter shall...
Section 14292. - 14292. Before leaving the voting booth or compartment, the voter...
Section 14293. - 14293. Having folded the ballot, the voter shall deliver it...
Section 14294. - 14294. (a) At all elections, a member of the precinct...
Section 14295. - 14295. No voter shall deliver to any member of the...
Section 14296. - 14296. Any voter who does not vote the ballot he...
Section 14297. - 14297. (a) No later than the time at which the...
Section 14298. - 14298. (a) The precinct board shall maintain at least one...
Section 14299. - 14299. (a) If a precinct board is unable to furnish...
Section 14300. - 14300. (a) In the case of an election for a...
ARTICLE 5 - Provisional Voting
Section 14310. - 14310. (a) At all elections, a voter claiming to be...
Section 14311. - 14311. (a) A voter who has moved from one address...
Section 14312. - 14312. This article shall be liberally construed in favor of...
Section 14313. - 14313. (a) Upon the declaration of a state of emergency...
Section 14314. - 14314. The Secretary of State shall promulgate regulations establishing guidelines...
CHAPTER 4 - Closing of the Polls
ARTICLE 1 - General Provisions
Section 14400. - 14400. At any election, all members of the precinct board...
Section 14401. - 14401. When the polls are closed, the precinct board shall...
Section 14402. - 14402. Any one who arrives at the polling place after...
Section 14402.5. - 14402.5. If the time for closing the polls is extended...
Section 14403. - 14403. (a) Immediately upon the closing of the polls and...
Section 14404. - 14404. (a) Immediately upon the arrival of the hour when...
Section 14405. - 14405. (a) The members of the precinct board shall account...
ARTICLE 2 - Elections Using Voting Systems
Section 14420. - 14420. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (c), before or...
Section 14421. - 14421. Unless the county elections official has directed the precinct...
Section 14422. - 14422. (a) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the...
ARTICLE 2.5 - Elections Using Vote Centers
Section 14428. - 14428. (a) Notwithstanding Section 14420, in elections conducted using vote...
ARTICLE 3 - Return of Supplies to the Clerk
Section 14430. - 14430. The precinct board, as soon after the polls are...
Section 14431. - 14431. The precinct board shall enclose and seal in one...
Section 14432. - 14432. The precinct board shall enclose and seal in one...
Section 14433. - 14433. If ballots are counted at precincts pursuant to Article...
Section 14434. - 14434. The sealed packages containing the lists, papers, and ballots...
Section 14435. - 14435. No list, tally, paper, or certificate returned from any...
ARTICLE 4 - Snap Tallies
Section 14440. - 14440. Before any election, the governing body of the jurisdiction...
Section 14441. - 14441. The elections official shall prepare and forward to each...
Section 14442. - 14442. Upon receipt from the precincts of the reports of...
Section 14443. - 14443. If ballots are counted by means of electronic, electromechanical,...