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Section 10950. - 10950. As used in this chapter: (a) “Child” means any...
Section 10951. - 10951. (a) (1) During each open enrollment period, every carrier...
Section 10952. - 10952. This chapter shall not apply to health benefit plans...
Section 10953. - 10953. (a) Upon the effective date of this chapter, a...
Section 10954. - 10954. (a) A carrier may use the following characteristics of...
Section 10957. - 10957. No carrier shall be required to offer a health...
Section 10958. - 10958. The commissioner may require a carrier to discontinue the...
Section 10959. - 10959. (a) All health benefit plans offered to a child...
Section 10960. - 10960. On or before July 1, 2011, the commissioner may...
Section 10960.5. - 10960.5. (a) This chapter shall become inoperative on January 1,...