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Section 12720. - 12720. Any threatened violation of any provision of this part...
Section 12721. - 12721. The State Fire Marshal, his or her salaried deputies,...
Section 12722. - 12722. The following fireworks may be seized pursuant to Section...
Section 12723. - 12723. (a) The authority seizing fireworks under the provisions of...
Section 12724. - 12724. (a) Any person whose fireworks are seized under the...
Section 12725. - 12725. The State Fire Marshal, his salaried deputies, or any...
Section 12726. - 12726. (a) The dangerous fireworks seized pursuant to this part...
Section 12727. - 12727. (a) The State Fire Marshal shall establish regulations pursuant...
Section 12728. - 12728. (a) The State Fire Marshal Fireworks Enforcement and Disposal...