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Section 6810. - 6810. A district organized under Chapter 161, Statutes of 1891,...
Section 6811. - 6811. To effect the reorganization a petition, signed by not...
Section 6812. - 6812. The petition shall be verified by at least one...
Section 6813. - 6813. The petition shall be published for at least two...
Section 6814. - 6814. At that time the board of supervisors shall hear...
Section 6815. - 6815. If the board of supervisors finds, upon the final...
Section 6816. - 6816. From and after the making of the order of...
Section 6817. - 6817. A district reorganized under this part is for all...
Section 6818. - 6818. Reorganization shall not affect or impair the title to...
Section 6819. - 6819. Reorganization shall not operate to repeal or affect in...
Section 6823. - 6823. The district may contract with the Federal Government of...