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Section 13910. - 13910. Whenever the district board determines that the amount of...
Section 13911. - 13911. A district may levy a special tax pursuant to...
Section 13912. - 13912. A district may levy a special tax pursuant to...
Section 13913. - 13913. A district may levy a special tax pursuant to...
Section 13914. - 13914. A district may levy an assessment for fire suppression...
Section 13915. - 13915. A district may levy assessments to finance capital improvements...
Section 13916. - 13916. (a) A district board may charge a fee to...
Section 13917. - 13917. A district board may charge residents or taxpayers of...
Section 13918. - 13918. Notwithstanding Section 6103 of the Government Code, a district...
Section 13919. - 13919. A district board may waive payment of a fee...