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ARTICLE 1 - Proceedings for Incurring Short-Term Indebtedness
Section 13371. - 13371. A district may borrow money and incur indebtedness for...
Section 13372. - 13372. The district may issue refunding bonds, notes, or other...
Section 13373. - 13373. General obligation indebtedness issued pursuant to this chapter shall...
Section 13374. - 13374. This chapter applies only to districts which have owned...
Section 13375. - 13375. As used in this chapter, the term “revenues of...
Section 13376. - 13376. When bonds are issued under this article, the preliminary...
Section 13377. - 13377. Whenever a resolution authorizes the issuance of bonds pursuant...
Section 13378. - 13378. If no such referendum petition is presented within the...
Section 13379. - 13379. The board at any time may, and upon the...
ARTICLE 2 - Borrowing to Purchase Electricity
Section 13391. - 13391. A district may borrow money and incur indebtedness for...
Section 13392. - 13392. All provisions of this chapter not inconsistent with this...