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Section 11830. - 11830. The department shall take the following goals and objectives...
Section 11830.01. - 11830.01. (a) The department’s death investigation policy shall be designed...
Section 11830.1. - 11830.1. In order to ensure quality assurance of alcohol and...
Section 11830.5. - 11830.5. (a) The department, in consultation with the county alcohol...
Section 11831. - 11831. To the maximum extent possible, a reasonable effort to...
Section 11831.1. - 11831.1. (a) No sooner than July 1, 2022, alcohol and...
Section 11831.12. - 11831.12. (a) A facility licensed by the department pursuant to...
Section 11831.2. - 11831.2. The department shall charge a fee for the certification...
Section 11831.5. - 11831.5. (a) Certification shall be granted by the department pursuant...
Section 11831.6. - 11831.6. (a) The following persons, programs, or entities shall not...
Section 11831.65. - 11831.65. (a) A laboratory or certified outpatient treatment program that...
Section 11831.7. - 11831.7. (a) The department may investigate allegations of violations of...
Section 11831.9. - 11831.9. (a) The Legislature recognizes that consumers with substance use...
Section 11832. - 11832. The department may contract with private individuals or agencies...
Section 11832.1. - 11832.1. The department shall encourage the development of educational courses...
Section 11833. - 11833. (a) The department shall have the sole authority in...