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Section 873.910. - 873.910. When the interests of all parties are undisputed or...
Section 873.920. - 873.920. The agreement shall be in writing filed with the...
Section 873.930. - 873.930. (a) Any party to the agreement may, upon noticed...
Section 873.940. - 873.940. The court shall appoint one referee or, if provided...
Section 873.950. - 873.950. Any party to the agreement or the referee, upon...
Section 873.960. - 873.960. At the hearing, the court shall examine the report...
Section 873.970. - 873.970. The agreement binds the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and...
Section 873.980. - 873.980. The provisions of this chapter are cumulative and if,...