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Section 14580. - 14580. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (d), the department...
Section 14581. - 14581. (a) Subject to the availability of funds and in...
Section 14581.1. - 14581.1. (a) The department shall expend in each fiscal year,...
Section 14582. - 14582. The Recycling Infrastructure Loan Guarantee Account is hereby created...
Section 14583. - 14583. Notwithstanding Section 14581, on and after July 1, 2012,...
Section 14584. - 14584. (a) Operators of reverse vending machines or processors may...
Section 14585. - 14585. (a) The department shall adopt guidelines and methods for...
Section 14585.5. - 14585.5. (a) The department shall not make handling fee payments...
Section 14586. - 14586. This division does not create any guarantee of a...
Section 14587. - 14587. This division does not require or create any obligation...