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Section 1164. - 1164. (a) An agricultural employer or a labor organization certified...
Section 1164.3. - 1164.3. (a) Either party, within seven days of the filing...
Section 1164.5. - 1164.5. (a) Within 30 days after the order of the...
Section 1164.7. - 1164.7. (a) The board and each party to the action...
Section 1164.9. - 1164.9. No court of this state, except the court of...
Section 1164.10. - 1164.10. (a) At the conclusion of any review proceedings commenced...
Section 1164.11. - 1164.11. A demand made pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision...
Section 1164.12. - 1164.12. To ensure an orderly implementation of the mediation process...
Section 1164.13. - 1164.13. The provisions of this chapter are severable. If any...