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Section 37960. - 37960. The district may, by ordinance, levy groundwater extraction charges,...
Section 37961. - 37961. The Legislature hereby finds and determines that the groundwater...
Section 37962. - 37962. If any operator of any extraction facility fails to...
Section 37963. - 37963. All moneys collected by the district pursuant to this...
Section 37964. - 37964. The district may, by ordinance, establish an operator’s extraction...
Section 37965. - 37965. The Legislature hereby finds and declares the following: (a)...
Section 37966. - 37966. The maximum amount of the extraction surcharge shall be...
Section 37967. - 37967. If an operator of a groundwater extraction facility fails...
Section 37968. - 37968. The district may bring a cause of action, in...
Section 37969. - 37969. In addition to any other authority, the district may...