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Section 44950. - 44950. A district may issue revenue warrants pursuant to this...
Section 44951. - 44951. Revenue warrants shall be secured by all or part...
Section 44952. - 44952. Revenue warrants shall bear interest at a rate or...
Section 44953. - 44953. Revenue warrants shall mature at such time or times...
Section 44954. - 44954. Revenue warrants may be made subject to redemption prior...
Section 44955. - 44955. Revenue warrants may be sold at either public or...
Section 44957. - 44957. The board may determine the form and denomination of...
Section 44958. - 44958. The board, in a resolution authorizing the issuance of...
Section 44959. - 44959. The board, in a resolution authorizing the issuance of...
Section 44960. - 44960. The board, in a resolution authorizing the issuance of...
Section 44961. - 44961. Except as otherwise provided in any resolution authorizing the...
Section 44962. - 44962. Revenue warrants shall not be issued under this chapter...
Section 44963. - 44963. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 44953 and 44962, revenue...