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Section 4353. - 4353. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:...
Section 4354. - 4354. For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall...
Section 4354.5. - 4354.5. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:...
Section 4355. - 4355. (a) On or before July 1, 2024, the department...
Section 4356. - 4356. Using data collected consistent with requirements established pursuant to...
Section 4357. - 4357. (a) Service providers shall identify the needs of consumers...
Section 4357.1. - 4357.1. (a) The department may make grants from the funds...
Section 4358. - 4358. There is hereby created in the State Treasury the...
Section 4358.5. - 4358.5. Funds deposited into the Traumatic Brain Injury Fund pursuant...