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Section 42700. - 42700. (a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that stationary...
Section 42701. - 42701. (a) For the purposes of Sections 41511 and 42303,...
Section 42702. - 42702. The state board shall specify the types of stationary...
Section 42703. - 42703. The state board shall require the manufacturer of any...
Section 42704. - 42704. After the state board has made a determination of...
Section 42705. - 42705. Any stationary source required by the district in which...
Section 42705.5. - 42705.5. (a) For purposes of this section, the following definitions...
Section 42705.6. - 42705.6. (a) For purposes of this section, the following definitions...
Section 42706. - 42706. Any violation of any emission standard to which the...
Section 42707. - 42707. The air pollution control officer shall inspect, as he...
Section 42708. - 42708. This chapter shall not prevent any local or regional...