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Section 14800. - 14800. (a) Every credit union may admit to membership those...
Section 14800.1. - 14800.1. (a) Notwithstanding subdivision (b) of Section 14800 or Section...
Section 14801. - 14801. Every credit union may expel members as provided in...
Section 14802. - 14802. Each member shall keep the credit union informed of...
Section 14803. - 14803. (a) No credit union shall pay any commission or...
Section 14804. - 14804. The members of a credit union shall hold an...
Section 14805. - 14805. Special meetings of members may be held upon order...
Section 14806. - 14806. In credit unions formed on or after September 15,...
Section 14807. - 14807. (a) A member may withdraw from membership in the...
Section 14808. - 14808. All amounts paid on shares or on certificates for...
Section 14809. - 14809. Members who leave the field of membership may be...
Section 14811. - 14811. (a) A member who has no outstanding obligations with...
Section 14812. - 14812. Unless otherwise provided in the bylaws, a quorum for...
Section 14820. - 14820. (a) Any member of a credit union may authorize...
Section 14821. - 14821. (a) Except for solicited proxies which on their face...
Section 14822. - 14822. Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, no member...