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ARTICLE 1 - Generally
Section 6560. - 6560. The election on the question of formation of a...
Section 6561. - 6561. Every voter resident within the district or a proposed...
Section 6562. - 6562. At an annexation election every qualified voter resident in...
Section 6563. - 6563. At district elections the last great register of the...
ARTICLE 2 - Election of Officers
Section 6580. - 6580. Except as provided in Sections 6580.1 and 6580.2, all...
Section 6580.1. - 6580.1. The election of officers may be consolidated with the...
Section 6580.2. - 6580.2. An officer elected or appointed pursuant to Section 6580.1...
Section 6585. - 6585. The nominating petition may be upon one or more...
ARTICLE 2.5 - Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Section 6590. - 6590. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, this article shall...
Section 6591. - 6591. (a) In the case of an elected district board,...
Section 6592. - 6592. In the case of a district board elected by...
Section 6593. - 6593. (a) Before circulating any petition pursuant to Section 6591,...
Section 6594. - 6594. (a) Sections 100 and 104 of the Elections Code...
Section 6595. - 6595. (a) Within 30 days after the date of filing...
ARTICLE 3 - Bond Elections
Section 6610. - 6610. Notice of bond elections shall be given by posting...
Section 6611. - 6611. The notice shall contain: (a) Time and place of...
Section 6612. - 6612. The vote shall be by ballot, without reference to...
Section 6613. - 6613. After the votes have been announced the ballots shall...