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Section 17501. - 17501. (a) Subchapter D of Chapter 1 of Subtitle A...
Section 17501.5. - 17501.5. The amendments made by Section 641 of the Economic...
Section 17501.7. - 17501.7. The amendments made by Section 647 of the Economic...
Section 17502. - 17502. (a) In addition to the application of Part II...
Section 17504. - 17504. (a) The provisions of Section 402 of the Internal...
Section 17506. - 17506. The provisions of Section 403 of the Internal Revenue...
Section 17507. - 17507. The provisions of Section 408 of the Internal Revenue...
Section 17508. - 17508. The provisions of Section 408(o) of the Internal Revenue...
Section 17508.2. - 17508.2. For taxable years beginning on or after January 1,...
Section 17509. - 17509. Sections 413(b)(6) and 413(c)(5) of the Internal Revenue Code,...
Section 17510. - 17510. Section 7701(j) of the Internal Revenue Code, relating to...