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ARTICLE 1 - Definitions
Section 79020. - 79020. Unless the context otherwise requires, the following definitions govern...
ARTICLE 2 - Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
Section 79021. - 79021. The sum of seventy million dollars ($70,000,000) is hereby...
ARTICLE 3 - Safe Drinking Water Program
Section 79022. - 79022. (a) The money transferred to the Safe Drinking Water...
Section 79022.5. - 79022.5. Any repayment of loans made pursuant to this article,...
Section 79022.7. - 79022.7. Notwithstanding Item 4260-115-0001 of Section 2.00 of the Budget...
Section 79023. - 79023. There is hereby created in the Safe Drinking Water...
Section 79024. - 79024. Of the funds transferred pursuant to Section 79021, the...
Section 79025. - 79025. (a) Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, the...
Section 79026. - 79026. Not more than 3 percent of the total amount...